Apr 18

Kline St

Kline St

NUMBER: PLP/2015/182
ADDRESS: 336 Kline Street, Ballarat East
PROPOSAL: Additions to existing dwelling, and development of two additional dwellings
DATE FOR SUBMISSIONS: 16 days from the 9th April (for us that makes it 24th April to be safe, however remember you can make a submission up until a decision is made).

Residents of are concerned about this one. Does it affect you? Are you worried about what your street will look like, how many folk are squished into your neighbourhood?

Kline st

The proposal is for additions to the dwelling (another bedroom in the front yard), and two more dwellings in the backyard.


Again don’t take it from us, the proposal is now on advertising, so check it out for yourself.

Here is how to get things moving in your neighbourhood:


Here is a sample submission letter:


Please note we now refer to ‘objection letters’ as ‘submissions’, it takes the negative out of it for both parties, feels better, don’t ya reckon?





  1. Mat says:

    We fear the same thing here in Soldiers Hill. The area known for its large family blocks is now vulnerable to opportunist developers. It doesn’t help that ignorant estate agents are advertising any large-blocked property with banner headlines such as…”Divide and Profit…STCA”. I am attending a mediation meeting tomorrow to object to a 4 way subdivision in Ligar St which, if allowed will downgrade a unique precinct and set a dangerous precedent which could destroy the suburb as we know it. I appreciate the resources Ballarat East Network have posted. Keep up the good work BE, as it doesn’t look like the council puts up enough resistance to developers without you.

  2. kaye murray says:

    I noticed this new yellow peril as I was walking my little dog as I live in this block further down the hill, once again we are being invaded by these pesky developers, why is the east suddenly so attractive to developers? we are slowly being deprived of our natural beauty and heritage and in the name of development which the council seems to approve , shameful

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