Apr 16

A park by any other name…

A park by any other name…

You’ll have been following the work being done to ensure Canadian State Forest is protected. Now its up to you… Have your say…

The Open House is at the Earth Education Centre, on Friday 17 April 2015, 3.30pm to 7.30pm; and Saturday, 18 April 2015, 11am to 4pm.

If you can’t make it, then do an online submission – its very easy I just did on and it took 5 mins!

To find the online submission process – open NOW (to close on the 30th April 2015) – go to www.delwp.vic.gov.au/canadian-park.

Submission forms are also available from DELWP by calling 135186, ask for the Canadian Park submission form.

There are essentially three types of park possible.

  1. State Park – which is the most restrictive in terms of usage. Restrictions on horse riding, dog walking and fossicking.
  2. Regional Park – Which balances conservation with usage. Horse riding, dog walking and fossicking allowed with restrictions on extraction and a ban on hunting.
  3. Forest Park – has minimun protections and allows grazing, hunting, mining and firewood collecting.

The Friends of Canadian Corridor (FoCC) think the Regional Park model aligns closest to their “Imagine a Canadian Forest Multi Use Park” vision so they encourage submissions to support. And thats exactly what I did, you can too!


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