Apr 5

Canadian Regional Park

Canadian Regional Park

The Bill to establish the “Canadian Regional Park” passed the upper house of the Victorian Parliament at 9.50pm on Thursday night March 24th  2016.

The Park now exists, the boundaries have been secured and Parks Victoria will now be responsible for the future management of the Forest and ex plantation areas.

It is expected that the Minister will conduct  an official opening and declaration of the Park sometime in early May.

Many thanks to the hundreds of friends and local supporting groups who contributed their imagination, wishes, ideas, knowledge and support in order to convince the Andrews Government to bring about the creation of this “Canadian Regional Park”


Here is an image of the WIN TV interviewing Blake Gordon about the benefits of the new “Canadian Regional Park” in the park, on Good Friday March 25th.

L to R Linda Zibell, Bob Hartmann, Geoff Howard MP, Blake Gordon, Kate and Sam from WIN TV



Bob Hartmann, Linda Zibell, Jeff Rootes

Co Convenors FoCC

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  1. Congratulations on your hard work. A great environmental legacy to pass on to future generations.
    The value of this is beyond calculation.

  2. kaye says:

    Well done

  3. Frank Golding says:

    Terrific news! Does the park include the area of the original Ballarat Orphanage avenue of honour?

  4. Linda Zibell says:


  5. Alice Christie says:

    Great outcome-my thanks go to the Andrews Government for fulfilling their promise to create the Canadian Regional Park. Great work.

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