A new park for the East – what do you think?

A new park for Ballarat, comprising the Canadian State Forest and the adjoining former plantation land, is being created in fulfilment of the Victorian Government’s 2014 election commitment.
A community consultation process to discuss how the park could be used and the type of activities to be included within the park, has been developed by DELWP, in collaboration with the Friends of the Canadian Corridor, Wadawurrung Corporation and partner agencies, City of Ballarat, CFA and Parks Victoria.
Please be part of this consultation.DELWP is hosting a community event for residents, user groups and interested members of the public to give people a chance to speak with agency staff and interest groups, offer views and ask questions.
The community is invited to drop in during the following hours:
When: Friday 17 April 2015, 3.30pm?7pm
Saturday 18 April 2015, 11am?4pm
Where: Canadian Park Community Consultation
Earth Education Centre, Mt Clear Secondary College
Olympic Drive, Mt Clear (VicRoads map ref: 572 F7)
If you cannot attend this event but wish to comment you can make a submission online. The online submission can be found throughout April on the DELWP website:
A copy of the submission can also be obtained from the DELWP Customer Service Centre by calling 136 186.
The closing date for submissions is 5pm, Thursday 30 April, 2015.
The new park is an exciting opportunity to create a legacy that increases green space for the Ballarat community and expands local recreation and tourism opportunities. We look forward to your group’s contributions to the park’s creation.
For more information or if you have any queries please contact the project manager Angeline Charles at DELWP’s Ballarat office on 03 5336 6716 or email angeline.charles@delwp.vic.gov.au.
Click these links for more information.
CANADIAN Park consultation – Ballarat East Network
Canadian Park consultation FINAL 26-03-15
[…] The Friends of the Canadian Corridor (FoCC) would like you to know their thoughts on the possibility of a park. We wrote about it earlier here: http://ballarateast.net/a-new-park-for-the-east-what-do-you-think/ […]