Apr 13

A Park by any other name…

A Park by any other name…

The Friends of the Canadian Corridor (FoCC) would like you to know their thoughts on the possibility of a park. We wrote about it earlier here: http://ballarateast.online/a-new-park-for-the-east-what-do-you-think/

The closing date for submissions is 5pm, Thursday 30 April, 2015.

FoCC has welcomed moves to establish the Canadian Park in Ballarat East. The establishment of a Canadian Park was a major promise of the Andrews Government in last years state election. This promise followed much political lobbying by the FoCC of all political parties in the election to commit to the establishment of a Canadian Park.
The Department of Environment Land Water and Planning (DELWP)  is now working with the main Canadian Park key stakeholders, and is planning  an extensive  consultation process during April with local residents and user groups.

The DELWP is organising  a stakeholder and community consultation process.

Canadian Park Community Consultation Open House.

Earth Education Centre, Mt Clear College, Olympic Avenue Mt Clear.
Friday,  17 April 2015, 3.30pm to 7.00pm
Saturday, 18 April 2015, 11am to 4pm.

Online submission process. This process is open from 1st April 2015 and will close on the 30th April 2015 at www.delwp.vic.gov.au/canadian-park. The online submission also contains survey questions which should give DELWP a clearer picture of the usage of the forest.

For a copy of the Canadian Park fact sheet contact the DELWP Customer Service Centre on 136 186.

The Department  has sent 2800 letters and fact sheets to adjacent and nearby residents and user groups. The information provided explains the park establishment process and contains a feedback survey seeking to establish current use and future wishes  and interest in the future park.

The Friends encourage all people and groups interested in the park to attend the open house  and /or  to complete the online submission.

Now is the time to put forward ideas and submissions about the use of the park. Your comments will help shape the recommendations for the different users and activities that will define the type of park to be created. The consultation process should be completed by midyear with legislation developed to establish the park and put to the Parliament by December this year.

Yours sincerely,
Bob Hartmann,  Linda Zibell , Jeff Rootes   – Co-convenors FoCC

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