Mar 24

Art in the East

Art in the East

Art Project for Pennyweight Park.

The City of Ballarat is creating a new public art project and we need the help of the community of Ballarat East to help realise it.

Stone sculptor, Joe Pratt has been commissioned to carve designs into 20 bluestone boulders sited at Pennyweight Park during April and May.

Artist Forest Keegel will be running community workshops within the park to develop drawings which may be incorporated the stone carving. This is you chance to make your mark in the Ballarat East Community.

All free. No bookings required. Just turn up and get involved. All ages.

Workshop dates

  • Thursday 31st March 1-5pm
  • Sunday 3rd April 1-3
  • Thursday 14th April 1-5pm

Otway Street Ballarat East


Facebook page here:

Download the poster here: pennyweight flyer

pennyweight flyer

See you all there…

PS anyone heard any more about the ‘surrender’ of land of Pennyweight Park?


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Ballarat East Network (BE Net) has been developed by residents to support the community of Ballarat East shape and protect the East by supporting sustainable, good design that reflects our Neighbourhood Character.

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