May 19

Ballarat Strategy – have your say

Ballarat Strategy – have your say

The Draft Ballarat Strategy is on exhibition until June 5th 2015.  Have Your Say!

Ballarat Imagine gave us the community’s vision for Ballarat in 2040. Ballarat will grow substantially by 2040 – this is unavoidable. We need to find ways to grow and achieve our vision at the same time.

The ‘Draft’ Ballarat Strategy (April 2015) represents the ideas, aspirations and vision of the Ballarat community, expressed through the community conversations in Ballarat Imagine, 10 Game Changing Questions and the Preliminary Ballarat Strategy. It proposes a long-term future for a greener, more vibrant and connected Ballarat.

This report is the next and final stage in delivering the shared long-term land use strategy for managing growth and change in Ballarat towards 2040.

Final Ballarat Strategy – What’s Next

As a result of the feedback from consulting on Ballarat Imagine, 10 Game Changing Questions, the Preliminary Ballarat Strategy, and the Draft Ballarat Strategy, this document will put in place a long term spatial strategy for Ballarat that:

  • Guides future growth to the most efficient locations with the highest net community benefit (measured broadly including economic, environmental and social)
  • Provides certainty for the community and the development industry on development areas and forms

The Draft Ballarat Strategy is on exhibition until June 5th 2015.  Have Your Say Here!

One comment

  1. Angie says:

    I got in just in time on Friday and put some comments I hope they consider

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