Imagine Ballarat East

Our long awaited Strategic Planning for the East has begun. Late last year a group of reps of the East, including BE Net discussed the boundaries of Ballarat East to kick start the process of gathering feedback about what is important to the East.
While the East has been giving feedback informally for many years, here is the opportunity to give it formally. And we need you all to be loud as you can. Share with your neighbours, family, friends and visitors, indeed everyone who cares about the East and about its contribution to the diversity of Ballarat.
Get engaged by:
- Using #imagineballarateast and #ballarateast whenever you post anything
- Complete the survey here: survey online
- Share what is important to you about the East here: TimeCapsule
- Community Workshop 17th March at Eureka Stockade Hall 5.30pm (St Pats Day, maybe they will serve green beer and a jig or two?)
- Write or Email by April 1st (April Fools Day, maybe they will act the goat?)
Lets make sure we save whats important at the same time we plan for the future. If you can help put up posters or hand out postcards let Maya know. These are here if you want to print your own.
- Map – Click for larger image
- Poster – Imagine Ballarat East_A3 Poster_Version_FinalPROOF
- Survey Postcard – Survey_Imagine Ballarat East_Local Area Plan-WEB
But don’t just take our word for it, here is a letter from Maya who is managing the project at the City of Ballarat.
Good morning all
I am happy to announce that the website for the Imagine Ballarat East engagement is now up and running. Collecting this information from the Ballarat East community will help Council to understand those things that make Ballarat East unique. This will lead to the development of a Local Area Plan for inclusion in the Ballarat Planning Scheme and of a community map. Please have a look here for all the details.
Get Involved
There are four ways you can get involved:
- Share your photos, stories and what it is that makes Ballarat East special to you with the innovative new online toolTimeCapsule
- Complete a survey online survey online or fill out the attached survey and send it back to me.
- Participate in the community workshop on 17 March at the Eureka Stockade Hall from 5:30 to 7:30 pm. Please RSVP to me by 11 March.
- Write to us by mail or email. Send in comments on the Draft Community Map or draw on the map on the back of the survey sheet to show the things that are important to you and send it back to us by 1 April:
- Strategic Land Use Planning
- City of Ballarat
- PO Box 655
- Ballarat VIC 3353
Help us get the word out
We would like to receive comments from as many different and varied people as possible to get a true representation of the community of Ballarat East. So please share this information with your networks. I can send you posters to put up, surveys to distribute and it would also be fantastic if you could include details/links on your websites and newsletter.
Please contact me if you would like any further information.
Kind regards
Maya Dougherty | Strategic Planner
City of Ballarat | PO Box 655, Ballarat, Victoria, 3353
P:03 5320 5536 |

Ballarat East laneway by Erin McCuskey
Tags:#imagineballarateast, cityofballarat, planning
[…] Other folk have already added the milk bars, parks and locations of interest. Disturbed how many of those are historic, or under threat! We still have a lot to lose, please make sure you add your voice to #ImagineBallaratEast More info here: […]