Imagine it still…

If you would like more information on the Imagine Ballarat East project, please go to
Deakin University is working with the City of Ballarat to understand the wants and needs of the people in Ballarat East. The research is a follow up to the Ballarat Imagine survey that was undertaken in 2013 and which informed the new Ballarat Strategy. City of Ballarat is currently undertaking community engagement within Ballarat East to better understand what the community love about the local area in order to plan for the future in a context of ongoing change. From this, Council will develop a Local Area Plan.
The research aims to explore in more detail the three Ballarat Imagine Questions for the Ballarat East local area:
- The things I love about Ballarat East are…
- The things I imagine for Ballarat East are…
- The things to retain in Ballarat East are…
The information collected in this research will help guide the council in the further implementation of the Ballarat Strategy through the development of the Ballarat East Local Area Plan.
To this end, Deakin University is seeking people who would like to take part in the research.
This research will be in two stages. During the first stage you will be asked to spend an hour walking about your local area, wearing audio-visual glasses. You determine the start of your walk, and a Deakin researcher will meet you there and show you how to use the glasses and turn them on. The glasses have a small camera on the front and record what you see, hear and say. They do not record your face, only where you look. As you walk around, we would like you to think about those three Ballarat Imagine questions. There are no right answers – we are just interested in your experiences of your local area and what you love about it, imagine for it and want to retain.
After you have finished your walk and returned the glasses to the Deakin researchers, they will then watch the video and set up the second stage of the research. During this phase, you will watch the video with a Deakin researcher at a time and location convenient for you. This interview will be a chance for you to discuss where you went, and why, and what you value about your local area. The interview will be recorded, professionally transcribed and you will be sent a copy for your records and to make any amendments that you would like. You will also be sent a copy of your video.
At no time will the council know your name, and your name will not be included in any reports of publications that arise from the research.
Deakin University will use this information to report back to council on the things that local residents love about their area, what they imagine for its future and what they want to retain. They will also send you a copy of the final report and any journal articles or academic publications that arise out of the research.
Please note, participation is entirely voluntary and you can withdraw from further participation at any stage.
To indicate you would like to participate in the study, please contact Georgia Meros at Deakin University via email who can answer questions about the project and will arrange a time with you to start your walk. At this stage we are looking for people who are available at any time during the day or early evening on Monday 21st March.
Thank you for considering taking part in this important research.
If you would like more information on the Imagine Ballarat East project, please go to