Apr 29

Imagine Update

Imagine Update

Maya Dougherty, Strategic Planner at the City of Ballarat, who is facilitating the Imagine Ballarat East project has been working hard to synthesise the comments, feedback and issues being raised by the Ballarat East Community. Go Easties!

She is trying to locate the following sites that have been mentioned in the survey:

  • Ballarat East Train Station Site
  • Clarence Nursing Home
  • The Old Girls School
  • Ballarat East Council Gardens (is this the same as the Old Town Hall gardens?)
  • Mining relics and dam (do you know which dam this is referring to?)
  • Former George Farmer and Co. building
  • Old Market Gardens

While we know a lot of these we thought it might be fun to see where you think they are… Please post your comments below.

Here is an update on how the process is going from Maya.

Imagine Ballarat East update:

I am currently putting together the Ballarat East Discussion Paper, the purpose of which is to bring together the ideas from the Ballarat East community to date alongside other knowledge about the local area. This, along with further input from the local community, will inform the development of planning controls to guide the future of the Ballarat East area.

The Discussion Paper is due to be released for public comment on 13 May, after the testing and linking workshop with the Establishment Group next week.

Thanks to everyone who has submitted, talked about, posted and advocated on behalf of our beautiful area.




  1. Edie says:

    As Pam says, The East Railway Station was to the east of the Humffray St Railway Crossing, and there is an excellent photograph of it in the PROV’s photographic collection.
    Ballarat Girls High was originally in the area behind St Paul’s where that development is now due to happen, but the later building is still in Barkly St opposite East St
    The East Gardens and the East Town Hall Gardens are the same thing and there are remnants of the Garden around the school campus, and the gates are still there in Barkly st.
    George Farmer buildings, Eureka St as Pam says.
    “Mining relics and dam” is funny as they are all round us in the East! Many of the mullock heaps were removed to help build the White Swan reservoir dam – any suspiciously level place is possibly an old mullock. So many have been built over already.
    The market gardens were often alongside the creeks, we have a photograph at the library clearly showing the Chinese market gardens off Stawell St near the creek.
    But, you’ve got me on the Clarence Nursing Home, never heard of that one?

  2. […] Imagine Update April 29, 2016 […]

  3. Pam Strange says:

    George Farmer building. Eureka Street corner of Joseph Street.
    Ballarat East Train Station. Just East of the Humffray Street railway gates.
    Old Girls School. Barkly Street near Fire Station.

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