Its the little things – literally

We have been inundated with letters that are requests for help.
We’ve been sending everyone here first:
Then we had a quick look at the current situation, and its left us reeling:
- Development of five additional dwellings and six lot subdivision – 14 Dodds Lane – PLP/2014/964
- Amendment to Planning Permit PLP/2013/433 by Construction of an additional dwelling –
94 Humffray Street North – PLP/2013/433/A
- 2 lot subdivision – 21 King Street South – PLP/2014/827
- Construction of two (2) dwellings and two (2) lot subdivision – 2 Nathanael Place – PLP/2015/104
- Construction of two dwellings and a two lot subdivision – 4 Nathanael Place – PLP/2015/113
- Construction of two (2) dwellings and two (2) lot subdivision – 621 Wilson Street – PLP/2015/106
- Development of four townhouses – 610 Wilson Street – PLP/2015/125
- 2 Lot Subdivision – 320 Spencer Street – PLP/2015/17
Again don’t take our advice, have a look yourself:
What kind of future do we want for Ballarat East?
All of this makes me so sad. I wonder what the social impact of squashing little dwellings in will be?
What sort of community will be here? Permanent? Temporary? Singles ? Couples? Students? Families? Will there be any vegie patches chooks or backyards for our children
? We have good schools nearby . Will families move out and commute in to school? Or just live with minimal space and walk to school. I love walking my children to school. But I couldn’t go without the place we love. OUR BackYard
The thin end of the wedge is widening into the citifying of a very small area of Ballarat East, especially Wilson St. Very tiny blocks do not fit in with the current homes in the area. NOT IN MY BACKYARD THANK YOU! Neighbours will lose privacy and sunlight by the addition of these townhouses. This is not the way Easties want to live, we choose to live in the way that we came here to do. Totally out of character with neighbourhood architecture and lifestyle.