Apr 4

Local Flood Guide for the Tributaries of Canadian Creek at Ballarat East

Local Flood Guide for the Tributaries of Canadian Creek at Ballarat East

Dear BE Net,

Given your interest in the Canadian Creek Tributaries Flood Investigation last year, you will be pleased to know that a Local Flood Guide for the Tributaries of Canadian Creek at Ballarat East is currently being developed by the SES. The Local Flood Guide will provide valuable information on flood conditions in your area, as well as information enabling you to plan and prepare for flooding.

The guides include localised information such as:

  • Description of historical floods in the area.
  • Map showing different flood levels and what areas will be affected.
  • List of local contacts and emergency broadcasters.

In addition, all Local Flood Guides include the following general information:

  • How to prepare for floods.
  • What to do if flooding is likely
  • What to do during a flood
  • What to do after a flood.

There will be an opportunity to comment on the draft later in the year. Examples of Local Flood Guides for other areas can be found on the SES website at http://www.ses.vic.gov.au/prepare/your-local-flood-information

In the meantime we are putting a call out to you to assist us by providing photos of flooding in Ballarat East. If you are happy for your photo to appear in the Guide please forward your photos to Amanda Ashton at amanda.ashton@ses.vic.gov.au making sure to include the name of the photographer as well as the date and location, so we can acknowledge your contribution.

Note: Please don’t send photos of people walking, driving or playing in the floodwater.

Yours sincerely,

Amanda Ashton

Community Education Engagement Officer | Mid West Region (Ballarat)

Victoria State Emergency Service | Mid West Office – Wendouree

352 Dowling Street, Wendouree, Victoria 3355
ph: (03) 9256 9317

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