Minutes – Mtg 2012
Please note these are not a blow by blow description of events, nor are they a record of everything that was said, they are not to be considered as quotes from speakers. They are more accurately a set of notes about themes, issues and concerned raised over the time of the meeting. Thanks so much to our minute takers – Alice & Edith
The minutes have been split into areas of issues – where an item has more details you can click on the link to access that page, or click on the links in the drop down menu under the item Meeting 2012 above in the main menu.
Acknowledgment of country
I acknowledge that we are meeting on the land for which the Wathaurong people and ancestors have been custodians for thousands of years. I would like to pay my respects to the past and present traditional owners and give thanks for allowing us to meet here today. Hello and welcome to this Community Meeting to support an understanding of the Neighbourhood Character of Ballarat East.
Introductions to VIPs
Eric Brasilis (City of Ballarat Growth & Development Director), Shaun OKeefe (City of Ballarat Strategic Planning Manager), Cr Ben Taylor, Cr Des Hudson, Maggie Dannatt (People for Pryor Park), Jeff Rootes (Friends of Sparrow Ground), Cherie Draper (Ballarat Environment Network & Friends of Lake Esmond), Edith Fry (Local Historian), Ron Marshall (Rodier St Leader), Deb Findlay (Forgotten Australians), Geoff Howard (State Labour MP). The Intro also included those from BE Net Erin McCuskey, Diane Chester, Damian Woods, Alice Christie, Edith Fry, Judy Robinson, Norm Christie and Len Robinson.
- Opportunity to contribute will be through a series of brainstorms,
- We will be taking written questions, those not answered will be followed up and answered through the BE Net website,
- We will be taking written submissions after the event, if you wish please email info@ballarateast.net
- For info please subscribe at ballarateast.net at the right or on the footer of each page, and remember to like us on facebook
- While we are using disposable cups today and used a paper letterdrop thanks to the generosity of 15 trees these environmental costs are being offset. 15 Trees is a local (Brown Hill) carbon reduction company who will arrange for the panting of fifteen trees to reduce our carbon footprint today.
- Apologies – Michael & Karen Simpson, Judy Johnson, Mayor Harris, Cr Perry, Cr Verlin, Cr MacIntosh, Cr Bromfield, Michele Bawden, Jess Simpson, Cr Fletcher
Purpose & Outcomes
- It’s about supporting our council to develop a long term strategy for sustainable good development in Ballarat East
- It’s about making a connection with each other and developing support networks to fight inappropriate development in Ballarat East
- Knowledge is power, sharing it is crucial
- This is a positive step to develop an action plan for our council, and ourselves, about how to support good sustainable development in Ballarat East
- Defining Neighbourhood Character:
- Short History of Ballarat East – Edith Fry
- How would you describe Ballarat East? What are its key Characteristics? What are its Distinguishing features? Facilitated brainstorm
- Where is Ballarat East? Facilitated brainstorm & Map marking
- Overview of the Issues (Erin McCuskey)
- Neighbourhood Character,
- Over-development (& lack of infrastructure),
- Open Space (public & private),
- Overlays (Heritage, Koala & Vegetation),
- What action steps could we need to take? (Facilitated brainstorm)e.g. Conduct a Neighbourhood Character study like the Banyule Council, Frankston Council, Maroondah City Council – defining the areas and characteristics we need to protect?
- Options for Good Urban Planning Explained (Eric Brasilis & Sean O’Keefe)
- Covering Character Overlay, ODP, PSP, Planning Advocate, etc
- Facilitated Q&A
- What can Residents Do?
- A Residents view of The Process (Diane Chester)
- Options for Individual Action (Erin McCuskey)
- Action Plan – facilitated brainstorm listing all potential action steps
- Cr Ben Taylor & Cr Des Hudson to present best options
Wrap & Thanks
- Wrap – Any questions not answered will be posted on the website; Remember you can make submissions in response to today send them to info@ballarateast.net by March 30th, Submissions on the Ballarat Activity Centre’s Strategy due March 26th, National Neighbour Day Sunday 25th March, Rally for Forgotten Australians March 31st, you can sign the online petition here, BEN fundraiser in conjunction with 15 Trees, tickets available here today, please subscribe to ballareast.net in box at right or below in the footer
- Thanks – to those on BE Net & the action group who worked so hard today and for the last two years, thanks to all those who fought for 315 Fussell and won some concessions, thanks to Des and Ben who have been stalwarts for this area, thanks also to People for Pryor Park who leapt aboard the website early, ready and keen to share information, thanks to you all for turning out in a wonderful show of people power, thanks to those of you who have fought before unheralded, we are here to herald you loud and clear from the hilltops of Ballarat East, and thanks finally to Ballarat East for being such a wonderfully eclectic, diverse, unique suburb