Q & A
Well just Qs, rhetorical Qs, and some statements for now, but as we get answers these will go up with a link. Please add your further questions in the comment box below. There has been some editing of questions for clarity and brevity.
- What about Heritage Overlays -What is the Ballarat East Overlay?
- 2006 Statement of Signification: Are we adhering to this?
- What do we want our aesthetic character to be?
- What about the trees and natural features that are already there/How can we protect them?
- Some of the issues that affect us also affect other parts of Ballarat eg Res Code and VCAT also defining Neighbourhood Character. What is the Council doing to support residents understanding of these?
- I live in a development of someones backyard and I love it (anonymous)
- How can we make new owner/developers aware of the movement of wildlife through an area they are developing?
- How can we promote the Koala Overlay? I would like to help define this corridor, its important to keep trees, plant trees and have appropriate fencing.
- How can we protect and enhance the Green Belt in Ballarat East?
- Why do Real estate Agents advertise STCA?
- What control has council got over units in residential areas, it seems there is no control at all?
- Can we have an overview of existing overlays and relevant documentation?
- Is private undeveloped land, that has been in the neighbourhood for many years, valued for its open space or is the objection to ‘unattractive development’?
- No-one is disputing urban growth however we need to ensure minimum block sizes in sensitive areas, are the trees in King St to be retained?
- Is everyone aware there is a plan to extend Fussell Street South, when will this become public knowledge, and how can we give feedback on this?
- Proposed changes to State Planning Scheme will impact on community consultation, how will our Council ensure future developments fit with community requirements?
- How will the reducing of backyards in new developments impact on our health and our children’s health in the future?
- How is the council protecting the tourist experience from over-development, eg Rodier & Eureka Streets subdivisions opposite the Eureka Centre and Park; and subdivisions in Fussell Street opposite the wildlife Park?
- Can the East be rezoned semi-rural to protect the current Neighborhood Character and the old farming land that was once protected out here?
- The East has little or no infrastructure in many streets, there was no bus service for my children to travel to school when we moved in 11 years ago.
- Can the State or Local Planning scheme stop people from buying several blocks with houses, then destroy all houses and erecting units across the site?
- Does state and local government have to go through usual planning processes for changes to properties that they own?
- Is the Canadian area, adjacent to Mount Clear, considered part of Ballarat East?
- Development needs connectivity (walking paths, footpaths, bikepaths – paths not roads for cars), how is the Council supporting linkages between and through communities?
- Can the Council provide facilities for commercial traffic and development traffic to access sites without using residential streets?
- The Ballarat Orphanage site in Victoria Street has historical value, the developer and council need to be mindful about the significance of this site. How will Council support moves by Forgotten Australians to save some buildings and land?
- There is currently rapid commercial development in Elsworth Street with heavy trucks and traffic in residential streets, how can Council protect current residents from this?
- When will Council protect Neighbourhood Character in York Street area and stop the area turning into series of units with no space for trees or even gardens, when houses with plenty of space are the norm?
- When will Council engineers install easements in Eureka Street to protect residents properties from run off?
- How does the Council rationalise development in terms of residents preferences versus the temptation of huge revenue from the high intensity developments?
- When will Council stop developers building over natural waterways, changing the natural topography of the land and building rows of brick dwellings that are all the same – once the look and feel of Ballarat East is gone, there is no putting it back. This is a unique area that needs protecting now!
Answers will be posted over the next few weeks. Thanks for your patience as we chase them down.
[…] the rust agrowing in the old Ballarat East style shed… oh and still no answers to the many questions posed at the Meeting…. shouldn’t have called it Q&A, just […]