Apr 21

Have your say on St Paul’s Way

Have your say on St Paul’s Way

St Paul’s Way – have your say – up until May 1st 2015 Proposed Residential and Commercial Development ‘Marvella Heights’ St Pauls Way, Bakery Hill: http://www.ballarat.vic.gov.au/pbs/city-strategy/planning-scheme-amendments/on-exhibition/amendment-c191-and-plp2014829-marvella-heights.aspx Amendment C191 to the Ballarat Planning Scheme proposes to: Rezone the land from Public Use Zone Schedule 5 (Education) to the Mixed Use Zone Rezone the road reserve to […]

Apr 18

Disposal Heritage

Disposal Heritage

Thanks to Louise Jones for these images, and for being alert enough to notice our heritage dying, and then noticing when it is given an all to early death. See this gorgeous but dilapidated home in Brown Hill (once part of Ballarat East) January this year? Tired sure, however the term demolition by neglect gets […]

Apr 18

Kline St

Kline St

NUMBER: PLP/2015/182 ADDRESS: 336 Kline Street, Ballarat East PROPOSAL: Additions to existing dwelling, and development of two additional dwellings DEVELOPER: V. Galati DATE FOR SUBMISSIONS: 16 days from the 9th April (for us that makes it 24th April to be safe, however remember you can make a submission up until a decision is made). Residents […]

Apr 16

A park by any other name…

A park by any other name…

You’ll have been following the work being done to ensure Canadian State Forest is protected. Now its up to you… Have your say… The Open House is at the Earth Education Centre, on Friday 17 April 2015, 3.30pm to 7.30pm; and Saturday, 18 April 2015, 11am to 4pm. If you can’t make it, then do […]

Apr 14

Greening Ballarat

Greening Ballarat

“Greening Ballarat through local water management”. There are excellent opportunities in Ballarat to support urban greening through local stormwater management that provides water to plants while also protecting our waterways and reducing urban runoff. The City of Ballarat is engaging with its community and stakeholder groups to hear your ideas on where and how to […]

Apr 13

A Park by any other name…

A Park by any other name…

The Friends of the Canadian Corridor (FoCC) would like you to know their thoughts on the possibility of a park. We wrote about it earlier here: http://ballarateast.online/a-new-park-for-the-east-what-do-you-think/ The closing date for submissions is 5pm, Thursday 30 April, 2015. FoCC has welcomed moves to establish the Canadian Park in Ballarat East. The establishment of a Canadian […]

Apr 9

14 Dodds Lane

14 Dodds Lane

Application in for Development of five additional dwellings and six lot subdivision – 14 Dodds Lane – PLP/2014/964 – See more at eServices. Here are some pics of the area. What a beautiful block and outlook. The lovely home beside the block. Typical Ballarat East backyard with lots of room, a shed and a few […]

Apr 9

Does anyone know?

Does anyone know?

Does anyone have any information for Mary? Hello BE Net, I am a descendant of David and Mary Cox who arrived in Melbourne on board the Ontario in 1854, with their son, Walter Cox (a.k.a. Walter Scrivener), aged 7 years. They were living in the Ballarat East area when their daughter, Rose Cox (later married […]

Apr 4

Its the little things – literally

Its the little things – literally

We have been inundated with letters that are requests for help. We’ve been sending everyone here first: http://ballarateast.online/how-do-i/ Then we had a quick look at the current situation, and its left us reeling: Development of five additional dwellings and six lot subdivision – 14 Dodds Lane – PLP/2014/964 Amendment to Planning Permit PLP/2013/433 by Construction […]

Apr 4

St Pauls Way

St Pauls Way

No doubt you know about the proposal for St Paul’s Way. Used to be Education Department area in behind the church on Humffray St South, and behind the motel on Victoria St Bakery Hill. A large development here is planned, and the council are considering the amendment which will begin the process of making it […]

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About BE Net

Ballarat East Network (BE Net) has been developed by residents to support the community of Ballarat East shape and protect the East by supporting sustainable, good design that reflects our Neighbourhood Character.

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BE Net is as good as the information we share. There are no rights and wrongs. We just love to hear from you!

BE Net is about sharing information about happenings in Ballarat East, to support a vision for our past, our personality, with a goal to inform our sustainable and charming future.

Please subscribe above (all welcome), and contribute by email to infoATballarateastDOTnet

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