May 7

Solving the dumps!

Solving the dumps!

So I’m guessing quite a few of us pick up rubbish on our walks? Little bits here and there, goes a long way if we are all doing it. However rubbish regularly gets dumped in such large amounts a walker couldn’t possibly.

I report these dumps using an app called Snap Send Solve. Its great and sends pics details and location to the City Council. Some pics below of that.

Well today I got a reply from the city (thanks to our customer services folks who work hard for us), to say that had received it, gave a reference number and then said you can report using their website forms!

You can find city forms here, they do the same thing as the app but more directly.

Fantastic! So now there is no excuse for folks to report rubbish dumps as soon as they are aware. The more reports the better we get at keeping our bushland clean and free of disease and weeds.

Go Easties & Allies!

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