St Pauls Way

No doubt you know about the proposal for St Paul’s Way. Used to be Education Department area in behind the church on Humffray St South, and behind the motel on Victoria St Bakery Hill. A large development here is planned, and the council are considering the amendment which will begin the process of making it possible.
The proposal may include 74 apartments across four apartment blocks, potentially four stories high, 19 two-storey townhouses and four office retail units – two with residential apartments above.
Here’s what Easties are sharing, this from the City Council amendment:
The amendment proposes to rezone CA 2050 Ballarat East from Public Use Zone Schedule 5 to Mixed Use Zone and rezone the adjoining road reserve from Commercial 1 Zone to Mixed Use Zone and remove HO176 from the road reserve. The amendment is also combined with Planning Permit PLP2014/829 which is for a Six Lot Subdivision and Staged Development of Four Multi Story Residential Apartments, 19 Townhouses, Four Office and Retail Units with 2 associated Residential Apartments, Waiver of CarParking and Creation of Easement.
You will need to make a submission by May 1st 2015
Click here for more info: