The Gardens – a Talk & Tour

The details for this event are now available, hope many Easties and allies will get along to help support the beautiful Ballarat East Gardens.
The event is to mark the 100th Anniversary of the Amalgamation of Ballarat East Council and Ballarat Council.
Tuesday May 25th, 4.15pm-7.30pm, Barkly Square (25-39 Barkly Street Ballarat East)
TOURS: between 4.30pm and 5.15pm
TALKS: from 6pm including Mayor Daniel Maloney
Book your preferred tour time by emailing by May 21st.
The image below is the invitation please share.

And of course long before it was Ballarat East is was Wadawurrung Country, and continues to be!
According to historian Weston Bate in his 1978 work the Lucky City: the first generation of Ballarat:
“[T]he tone of the East was strident and individual. It would never willingly be a suburb of Ballarat West. The two co-existed like the head and tail of a coin, looking in different directions and displaying the contrasting imprints of the historical and geographical dies that had made them. Each was a guardian of an aspect of Ballarat’s tradition, and the community as a whole was undoubtedly more meaningful and interesting as a result. It might be thought the East was more Australian because it was less subjected to imported urban forms and institutions and had a restless larrikin quality. Yet the West was probably more typical of what British migrants hoped for in Australia – material success – and it contained large numbers of pioneers who had had the best of both worlds…”
EDIT: This image replaces the first which unfortunately the invitation referred to Ballarat East as East Ballarat. Ballarat East is a place of belonging. East Ballarat refers vaguely to an area in reference to the city of Ballarat. This error is becoming more commonplace and one we need to correct where we can. We thank the organisers who took the time to correct this error.
Tags:#ballarateast, event, gardens