Archive for the ‘Developments’ Category

Jul 27

Poppet Heads

Poppet Heads

Does anyone knows the locations of these 2 poppet heads in the Ballarat East section of this old panorama. The first is a small one NNE of the fire station at about 1-2o’clock? Can you see it? The other is a much larger one like the replica they have at sovereign  hill to the very […]

May 1

fingers working overtime

fingers working overtime

A few things that are running out of time: St Pauls Way – your feedback is due by Friday 1st May at 5pm all info here: Telstra Tower – to have impact at VCAT the team need you to join as a party, you need to do this by May 6th all info here: […]

Apr 23

Off to VCAT we go…

Off to VCAT we go…

So Telstra are taking the City of Ballarat to VCAT to allow the development of a telecommunications tower in historic Eureka St, Ballarat East. There have been a lot of great ideas given to Telstra about ways to proceed that the community would agree with. Unfortunately they have chosen to ignore those. Locals are putting […]

Apr 21

Have your say on St Paul’s Way

Have your say on St Paul’s Way

St Paul’s Way – have your say – up until May 1st 2015 Proposed Residential and Commercial Development ‘Marvella Heights’ St Pauls Way, Bakery Hill: Amendment C191 to the Ballarat Planning Scheme proposes to: Rezone the land from Public Use Zone Schedule 5 (Education) to the Mixed Use Zone Rezone the road reserve to […]

Apr 18

Kline St

Kline St

NUMBER: PLP/2015/182 ADDRESS: 336 Kline Street, Ballarat East PROPOSAL: Additions to existing dwelling, and development of two additional dwellings DEVELOPER: V. Galati DATE FOR SUBMISSIONS: 16 days from the 9th April (for us that makes it 24th April to be safe, however remember you can make a submission up until a decision is made). Residents […]

Apr 9

14 Dodds Lane

14 Dodds Lane

Application in for Development of five additional dwellings and six lot subdivision – 14 Dodds Lane – PLP/2014/964 – See more at eServices. Here are some pics of the area. What a beautiful block and outlook. The lovely home beside the block. Typical Ballarat East backyard with lots of room, a shed and a few […]

Apr 4

St Pauls Way

St Pauls Way

No doubt you know about the proposal for St Paul’s Way. Used to be Education Department area in behind the church on Humffray St South, and behind the motel on Victoria St Bakery Hill. A large development here is planned, and the council are considering the amendment which will begin the process of making it […]

Feb 16

420-432 Fussell Street

420-432 Fussell Street

Another application for 420-432 Fussell Street, you can read the background here: Here are the details: ADDRESS: 420-432 Fussell St, Ballarat East APPLICATION: Staged 22 lot Subdivision and removal of vegetation APPLICANT: M.P Adriaans APP NUMBER: PLP/2014/180 SUBMISSIONS DUE: 21st February (or up until Council Officers make a decision) This application is a slight […]

Feb 11

Decision for Eureka

Decision for Eureka

After a number of pauses in the journey to getting a decision about the telecommunications tower in Eureka St, the proposal was refused at the last council meeting in a 4:1 vote. Before the vote 4 Councillors asked to be excused from discussion and voting on the tower due to conflict of interest. As Cr […]

Dec 21

Telstra Pole Decision #2

Telstra Pole Decision #2

You’ll remember that the decision about the Telecommunications Pole for Eureka Street was slated for the last Council Meeting. Read all about it here: And you can read about the background on this proposed development here: The Courier reported on the story here: When time came to discuss the decision three Councillors […]

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