12A Hickman Street, at White Flat Oval
This just in from residents near White Flat, close to the city, not quite in the East, or is it? The East has not been determined, and it is in the Seat of Ballarat East. Some of you with an interest in the look of our city and suburbs should be interested in this. We have requested pics…
Hello BE Net,
An Application for a Planning Permit has been put to Council for 12A Hickman Street, at White Flat Oval, within Geoff Howard’s seat of Ballarat East and part of Golden Point. The application is for 52 dwellings, four stories high. The site is the former tennis courts opposite White Flat Oval. You may know the site. The application is PLP/2012/517 and full plans are available on the BCC website and at the phoenix. I am working with other residents to distribute copies of the application notice to residents in the immediate vicinity, and will lodge a formal objection. Six years ago, Council rejected an application from Terry Benjamin for 12 units. The site has a Heritage Overlay. The neighbourhood has single story mixed period houses, 1860s to contemporary.
The proposal would have a major impact on this special and unique part of Golden Point. Whilst the site will eventually be developed, two or four dwellings would be appropriate to such a sensitive area. The White Flat area also has significance as a Wathaurung gathering place. I alert your activist group to this development and consider lodging an objection.
Best Wishes,
Brian Pola
Regardless of the problems which may affect the area..this type of overcrowded housing is just so unfair to the poor residents to be ‘housed’..council should be totally ashamed of their money grabbing….at rate payers expense….and at the so-called residents quality of life….
Last night, 26 September, 2012) over thirty White Flat residents met in the Trench Room, Town Hall, with the developer (Ethan Developments, Melbourne) and BCC planners (Mr Bishop/Ms Leanne Wilson) to conciliate proposed 52 Dwellings/4 storey building at White Flat Oval. There was overwhelming opposition. Grounds included: BCC previous non-approval of such development at this site; lack of infrastructure at White Flat; loss of social/recreation amenity; traffic; noise; visual impact; heritage Overlay applies (Wathaurung cultural significance) and Heritage Overlay along Hickman Street. We await Council response.
Brian Pola
I have just attended a meeting @ Portico re this development tonight.Initially everyone was ‘skirting’ around the real issues and potential [problems] around this development…..as the meeting progressed..the real understanding issues emerged……TOO MANY POELPE CROWDED INTO A TINY SPACE….fronting onto a sweet little oval that kids,dogs families ,cricket and footy teams all enjoy..all in a lovely heritage area.If this MUST go ahead..will the developer provide security staff, etc so that we can all enjoy the oval on a balmy evening….this oval already has problems at times…please please let us enjoy this peaceful beautiful spot..Regardless of what the ‘do gooders’ have to say..they need to get real….just not FAIR. Nearly ..maybe 200 people living in crowded cond next to an isolated oval among family homes is very very scary..
Sounds like a ghetto waiting to happen.
WOW! My great grandma used to live in Hickman st, their house has been restored to a beautiful grand Victorian home, and having just looked up the site on google maps I am appalled to think they would want to stick 52 flats right in that street and remove all of that beautiful greenery that surrounds the footy oval and the homes in that area. High density housing close to the city is a gold mine for greedy developers. 52???? FIFTY TWO! That could end up being upwards of 200 people! Where on earth are all those people going to park and play and breathe????