Sep 8

213 Fussell Street – can you believe it?

It’s on again, yes the same site we have previously objected to twice already…

Yes we have been here before, it was part of the overwhelming over development that initiated the beginnings of this group and this website…



SITE: 213 Fussell Street Ballarat East

APPLICATION: Development of 2 Dwellings and 2 lot subdivision

OBJECTIONS DUE: 10th September 2012

Click here for all previous posts about this block.

So drag out your old letters and get them in by September 10th, that’s this Monday.

Why not do it online, saves time for sure…

Click here instructions about how to look at the plans online and submit online…


  1. Diane says:

    I can’t believe how tight these two units look on this block. Makes me wonder if the plans with the landscaped garden was actually to scale! At least the building is 300mm higher off the ground than it would have been if those will the local knowledge of flood history had not contributed to the planning process.

  2. David Santamaria says:

    So the Council has decided to grant a permit for the subdivision at 213 Fussell, unless the objectors decide to take the issue to VCAT.
    Council has stipulated the floor level of the buildings must be 300mm above the level of the corresponding land level of the reserve and any fill brought in can’t impact on the water drainage to adjacent properties.

    Objectors have until Oct 21 to apply for a review to VCAT. Are we going to head down this path?
    What do other objectors feel about this?

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