307 York Street Mediation
**NOTE: I hope some of you read this letter a little better than I did! Its not a mediation, its being raised at the Council meeting. The planning officers are proposing the development go ahead with a zillion conditions. Check it out for your self online here: http://www.ballarat.vic.gov.au/ac/council-meetings-agendas/council-agenda-minutes-2014.aspx
Do you remember this one? This is second time for mediation after the developer has made a few changes. Doesn’t go far enough in our opinion and clearly infringes on rules for open private space. However, as we always say, make up your own mind. Click here for background on the issue for 307 York Street.
It is with great sadness that we see that many homes bordering the development site are either sold, up for sale or demolished already. This development has decimated that particular community already, and again we ask the question how can buildings be demolished when nothing has been confirmed about what will replace it.
Mediation is on Wednesday 12th at 7pm at the Town Hall. Hope to see some of you there. Remember you are till able to make an objection right up until the council makes a decision on it.
Good luck Easties. Brown Hill is watching.
Of course people have sold up. The character of the neighbourhood is already changed forever. They don’t want the traffic, noise, dust and dirt of the development work, which can go on for years, as Stockade St still is.