Feb 16

420-432 Fussell Street

420-432 Fussell Street

Another application for 420-432 Fussell Street, you can read the background here: http://ballarateast.online/topics/dev/420-432-fussell-street/

Here are the details:

  • ADDRESS: 420-432 Fussell St, Ballarat East
  • APPLICATION: Staged 22 lot Subdivision and removal of vegetation
  • APPLICANT: M.P Adriaans
  • APP NUMBER: PLP/2014/180
  • SUBMISSIONS DUE: 21st February (or up until Council Officers make a decision)

photo 3

This application is a slight reconfiguration of one advertised early in 2013. The original application, which was for 24 lots, didn’t make it to the mediation stage and was withdrawn. Unfortunately this latest application doesn’t address the fact that the property has a named creek running through it – Grass Tree Creek.


The property attracts many kangaroos often seen grazing along the creek line. Check out our images of the kangaroos on this property here: http://ballarateast.online/slow-down-theres-roos-out-here/


Natural waterways act as valuable wildlife corridors and can add equally valuable character to suburbs and subdivisions, especially to prospective buyers from the city looking for that ‘Tree Change’.


While we welcome thoughtful, quality developments in the East, we must remember that waterways do not respect planning decisions, planning decisions must respect waterways.

Here are some images of the kangaroos from local resident Pam.


This Kangaroo looks as surprised as us at the number of lots!

kangaroos in fussell st

A whole family of roos regularly use the property.

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  1. Jean McKinnon says:

    Planning proposal for 22 dwellings submitted to Council on April 23. 2017

  2. Kevin says:

    Did you know the developer has applied for further changes?

  3. Kevin says:

    The developer is now trying to sneek an extra lot, remove more vegetation and change design.
    Objections can be lodged online at Ballarat Eservices


  4. judyann says:

    I objected previously to this one re the watercourse, which has flooding potential. Also the size of lots being more suited to inner Melbourne, not the lovely fringes of a Regional city which was 0nce part of a ‘green belt’.Overdevelopment of this area is already causing many trsffic problems, there are many near misses in Fussell St every day. What is happening to ‘Quality of Life’?

  5. Pam Strange says:

    I agree with all your points Erin. I am particularly concerned about Grasstree Creek. If it is retained it would add to the character of the development and provide a habitat for frogs and birds as well as a corridor for kangaroos and other wildlife. It would connect the Reserve proposed for the North West corner to the Canadian forest to the East of the development.

  6. Erin says:

    Here’s what I submitted, may help someone writing their own?

    This proposed development does not meet community expectation as follows:

    1. Neighbourhood Character – the area is rural and in the transition area to Canadian State Forest. Surrounding lots are larger (even the newer ones) which indicate a community expectation (both existing and new residents) that the area will remain rural, large blocks, much vegetation, koala friendly fencing and generous open space (both public and private)
    2. Native Wildlife – we have many images of kangaroos and koalas on the property who need to be considered in terms of safe pathways, vegetation corridors and space.
    3. Native environment – the property has a named creek running through it and this needs to be accommodated in the design.
    4. Design Diversity – lots sizes are all too small and rely on surrounding properties to provide diversity – this must be provided for within the development.

    Resolutions to these issues inc:
    1. large block size
    2. smaller number of lots
    3. more diversity on block sizes
    4. better accommodation of open space throughout the development

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