Jun 1

619 Wilson

This development application is now on advertising which means we can look at the plans and provide feedback online.

App No.
Subdivision 3 or More Lots
Proposed Use or Development Subdivide the land into 23 lots, removal/creation of easements and removal of native vegetation
Address of the Land 619 Wilson Street, Ballarat East Vic 3350

There has been discussion on our facebook site regarding this development, you can have a look here: https://www.facebook.com/ballarateast.net

Here’s how to locate the plans, remember its totally up to you, don’t rely on what someone told you, or what you r heard… have a look at the plans yourself and make your decision. Our beautiful area is all the better for people taking an active role in commenting (positive and negative) on all development in this area. The important thing is to be constructive. If you don’t like it say what could make it better, if you do like it tell the council officers what is good about it. A better decision will be made by informed residents who are keen to make things better.

Here’s how to find it online:

1. go to https://eservices.ballarat.vic.gov.au/ (or click on link)
2. click on “Town Planning Applications”
3. select “Town Planning Applications on Advertising” then click ‘Next’
4. click on the App no of the application you are interested in

619 Wilson Street
Subdivide the land into 23 lots, removal/creation of easements and removal of native vegetation

5. click on link: View Planning Application Documents
Then you will be taken to a list of downloadable PDFs, the main one is the “Application for a Planning Permit”, and the “Plan of subdivision”.

If you wish to make a suggestion about the development proposal then click on: Lodge a Submission about this Planning Application




  1. BE Net says:

    It’s worth mentioning that no-one here is against development. However we do need to be able to openly discuss what kind of developments we want in this area, in a respectful way. Everyone has the right to say what they want. We are hoping that developers listen to what residents are saying about open space, environmental concerns and diversity. These are important issues for a neighbourhood to discuss.

  2. Margaret says:

    Almost every day we have had ducks and black head ibis feeding on this and adjacent properties. This land is unsuitable for such a dense development, it is swampy, does have wild life and natural vegetation, there is already sewage problems from the units that back onto this property, this area also act like an amphitheatre – noise pollution would be a major problem and concern. Why is there not even a park area in the planning. . .greed, greed and more greed!!

    • Leanne says:

      I don’t understand what the sewage problems from the units has got to do with the property and what do you mean by greed greed and more greed?

    • Jo says:

      This property does get boggy at times and does attract local wildlife in terms of birds, however there are other developments going ahead in the east, such as those in Richards Street which are in close proximity to Sparrow Oval and Sandy Banks, land which is prone to flooding during heavy rainfall, and is on the edge of bushland and was home to fauna including kangaroos and numerous bird species.

      I’m not sure what the sewage problem within the units has to do this property, and the noise pollution that will come from the development is unlikely to be any worse than the noise from the units.

      For residents that are concerned about losing their “country outlook” which has long been a selling point for the local real estate, the current family have been caretakers of this property for 75+ years, that’s a long time to maintain, and pay rates on a property. Nobody is effected more by the development than them. The property has provided lovely views for the neighbours for many years, and if locals wanted it to remain that way, then perhaps they should have all chipped in and bought it.

  3. Leanne says:

    Hi. I would like to get some facts straight here.
    1. This property was not destined to have a school built on it and the crossing over Richards St was put there so the school kids didn’t have to cross at the corner, which can be a task in itself with the 5 roads meeting.
    2. Yes it does get boggy, but the late owner used to mow a fire break several times a year around the whole property and the reason the rest of it wasn’t cut was because there was a horse on the property. And yes it was slashed this year as the owner was to ill to cut it and there was no longer going to be a horse there.
    3. And Steven if as you say you have been on the property many times I would like to know when that was, I hope you weren’t trespassing.
    4. And by the way I am the daughter of the current owner.

    • Steven says:


      Thanks for the comments. It is regrettable that you would even suggest trespassing. However I dint intent to dwell your your comments. We are able to comment freely on issues that affect our neighbourhood and I intend to continue this vein.

      Broadly speaking, I I have no objections to the development of the block. I think the developers are jamming too much onto the block (and ignoring wildlife) and my major issue is one to do with the water flow over the property directly in the lowest part of the block. This is going to create an issue down the track as as someone who has obviously spent a lot of time on the property you would be well are of how wet it get down there. Even during the latest dry, there was always water down there and the grass wall always green indicating lots of moisture.

      The property has much wildlife on it, most notable all the rosella, kookaburras and Ibis that regularly inhabit the space.

  4. Diane says:

    There is a waterway on this site. Planning Maps Online is a useful website where you can build maps of the area showing all sorts of features such as Vegetation/Heritage/Environmental Overlays, Zones, Waterways. I believe Coorangamite Catchment Management Authority can provide info on waterways.

  5. Craig says:

    I too am concerned about the low lying area. As a new resident to the area I don’t have the history of what that area has looked like in the past after a decent fall of rain – does anyone have photos?.
    I do know that birds use the area regularly, which is against the statement in the application that it not used by fauna.
    Perhaps they could consider turning it into a water feature?

    Steve: Do you have any of that information in a print or digital format that could be passed on to the council, perhaps via an objection?

    • Steven says:

      There is plenty of evidence that the area is used by local wild life. There are hundreds of Rosellas that fly around the area daily, there are also a number of kookaburras that I have sitting on my fence overlooking the site.

  6. Jodie says:

    Hi Steven, I would like to know more about this property and was wondering where you got the information from about the over ground water flow and the school proposal? Thank you

    • Steven says:

      Hi, sorry for the late response. The overground water flow is clearly mentioned in the archaeological report. You can see the evidence of the flow when you perform a google maps search and you can see how green the area is – the satellite photo was taken during the height of the drought.

      As a neighbour when it rains I see the water flowing overt the ground, having been onto the property many times the evidence is clear. Given the amount of rain recently I would be very surprised if the area was not totally saturated now, despite it having been quite dry up until very recently.

    • Steven says:

      The school proposal was provided to me by the previous owner, I understand (but this was before my time in the area) that the new development to the eastern side of Richards St was actually once a school and the pedestrian access across the median of Richards was once destined to join the two schools or facilities.

      The over ground water flow is quite obvious during even mildly wet times, the area is a natural bowl and the build up of water very clearly evident. The previous owner would not mow the area as he always said it was a “bog”. It was slashed only recently (probably February) for the first time that I have been a neighbour.

  7. Steven says:

    Been looking at the development and it seems rather strange that they would want to develop on what is essentially a swamp. Even in the reports it is referred to as having over ground water flow and “bogginess”, but one has to wonder how this could be allowed. Apparently it was once destined to be a site for a school and the Department of Education decided not to build due to the ground’s “bogginess”.

    I am seriously concerned that future residents will be destined for a very boggy and wet environment with the water flow that comes off all the properties on Richards St, plus the storm water drain that runs from Wilson St, and empties directly onto the land at 619 Wilson St.

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