Sep 21

Mediation for 213 Fussell St

A mediation has been set for the application at 213 Fussell St. While this is the third time for this block being discussed at council we still are hopeful of a resolution.

Mediation for:



SITE: 213 Fussell Street Ballarat East

APPLICATION: Development of 2 Dwellings and 2 lot subdivision

Mediation details:

DATE – Thursday 27th September 2012 at 5pm

VENUE – Committee Room 2, Town Hall

Make sure you let them know if you can make it, its important that we keep our energy going on this one, its the little ones that will ultimately be responsible for the bigger developments being allowed through.

RSVP – by emailing or phone the planning department 5320 5114

One comment

  1. David Santamaria says:

    So the Council has decided to grant a permit with the following conditions:
    – the finished floor level needs to be 30cm above the level of the adjacent reserve
    – any fill brough in to raise the height of the land cannot impinge on the hydrology of the adjacent homes blocks.

    Are we going to take this to VCAT or do these provisions satisfy the objections put forward.
    Personally, I think the block should have been designated part of the reserve. What action do others think we should take?

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