Dec 4

315 Fussell Street Take 2…

Residents might remember a saga at this block well over 12 months ago.


DEVELOPER: Development Resolution Services

SITE: 315 Fussell Street

PROPOSAL : 10 dwellings

At that time the developer wanted to put 16 identical units on a block of 5500m2. Many residents objected, ultimately the matter went to VCAT and the permit was denied.

When the permit was denied the VCAT member gave a ruling outlining what was permitted on the block. residents were happy.

Well, a new application for a development at 315 Fussell Street has been advertised by the City of Ballarat, by the same developer for ten dwellings. However the plan shows lack of diversity and does not include a landscaping plan nor a plan for how eventual residents would access council rubbish collection.

Objections at our count by requested date sit around 27, and a mediation meeting will be confirmed for January 2012, stay tuned.

Remember its never too late to put in an objection, however you need to put one in if you want to take part in the mediation meeting where both sides of the situation will be presented.

City of Ballarat planner for this development is Valentine Sedze 5320 5114. You can review the plans at the Phoenix building by asking for the Development Number PLP/2011/803.

One comment

  1. Anne Pearse says:

    Here we go again, this developer out for vengance now. I hope the Council or VCAT recognize that. 10 buildings, 3 styles? Is that all? Modern boxes I assume! No matter what the design, the style will be another straight box. To think I used to like the new styles, till I see them like pidgeons on a fence. There’s little difference, but that’s where the money is. Somebody should tell them, ‘you can’t take it with you’.. But, their reputation remains, tacky & boring!

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