Day of the Echidna #2
So the fabulous news is the Echidna found alive after being hit by a car wasn’t seriously injured, unlike some others found by residents. Lets take this opportunity to slow down and protect our native wildlife as the human population increases.
Lets also take the opportunity to thank the volunteers at BADGAR 1300 223 427 especially Leanne and Sharon who worked for hours to ensure our echidna was safe and sound – eventually. We are asking all residents to donate old sheets, towels and new unscented tissues and new rubbish bins to help their work. Contact for collection time.
Echidna are totally spikeless when born, thank goodness, and they are called puggles:
Here are some happy snaps from the release. The Echidna is looking pretty pleased to be almost out and about:
The BADGAR team returned the echidna to a classic Ballarat East private property with plenty of vegetation close to bushland near where it was picked up from. We thank them, we thank the people who stopped and tried to help, we thank our youngsters for taking an interest.
Freedom at last
As i was one of the rescuers who came out to this Echidna, I would like to say on behalf of Leanne and myself a huge thank you to the public who saw him in trouble and got him some help right away . We see it all to often where the animal goes unhelp for a long period of time , then sadly the animal has gone through so much pain and suffering that could have been avoided if we knew about the animal sooner .
A huge Thank you must go to Erin for giving us the support and bringing us out a cuppa and some food to keep us going he sure was not going to come out with out putting up a fight but all turned out well for this little guy or girl which is great as these little ones dont always fair to well their beaks are everything to them . Also a huge thank you goes to the family who allowed us to release on their property
BADGAR is a 24 hour service please add our number to your phones 1300223427. Thank you for caring enough to call him in
Regards BADGAR Sharon . .