Mar 27

Counil Mtg Report – Wilson St

A group of Ballarat East residents attended the Council meeting last night where Council was to determine its position in regard to the planning application PLP/2011/683 for 809 Wilson Street at the upcoming VCAT hearing.  The applicant had already elected to take the application to VCAT due to the Council’s failure to determine the application within the prescribed time frame.

Two residents made presentations highlighting the complexities of the proposed development.  It is not a simple green field site and its compliance with planning guidelines requires due consideration.  Ballarat East residents are passionate about protecting this unique area of Ballarat and ask nothing more than Council to apply its very own planning guidelines and strategies such as the Koala Plan of Management and it’s appropriate management of waterways.

The applicant did not attend the meeting tonight and Cr Morris noted that the applicant also chose not to attend the scheduled mediation meeting in September and perhaps that was a lost opportunity to make some progress on the application.

We are grateful to our Councillors who voted unanimously to NOT support the planning application.

Well done residents for keeping this development at the forefront. Next step? We need to support our council officers to present our case at VCAT, a hearing date has not yet been announced.

More views Opposite on Long St

More views Opposite on Long St


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