May 8

Update on Orphanage Site

After a request for clarification about how the request for demolition can proceed when there are no plans for what will happen with the site and the processes at work on the old Orphanage site, the council have responded with this explanation:

‘There are two separate planning processes relating to the site– the current permit application for demolition (only) and a separate rezoning process (including redevelopment).

A permit can be issued for demolition prior to any rezoning approval. The key consideration in the assessment of the demolition application will be, in addition to having regard to all submissions received, determining the acceptability of any heritage impacts.

The rezoning requires an amendment to the Ballarat Planning Scheme and has its own community consultation requirements.  The rezoning will include the proposed redevelopment plans. In respect to the amendment process, Council continues to work closely with the proponent.

Council is currently awaiting a response from the proponent regarding a number of matters. Once Council receives this information Council will, where applicable, amend the amendment documents and commence the process to attain State government (Minister for Planning) approval to make these documents available for public comment.

As the matter is currently with the proponent, Council is unable to provide an anticipated time-frame on when this information may be lodged with Council.’

We appreciate the council officers open communication with us about this development.

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