Ballarat East Imagine
In the latest edition of My Ballarat is a lot of feedback that has been coming into the city though the Ballarat Imagine campaign. There has been a terrific response and lots of comments about preserving and protecting the character of Ballarat East. In the pic above taken from the mag ‘Ballarat East’ appears in a list of things people have said they love and want to keep.
I love the positive nature of this campaign, and would like to challenge you to get on the front foot and push Ballarat East higher up that lists of priorities. So lets tell the city how we feel about Ballarat East, with its forest, its diversity, its social history, its fabulousness, why we want to protect and how that protection should happen. Here’s how:
- visit the city’s website and have your say –
- get on the city’s facebook page and have your say –
- get onto twitter and have your say – and use the hashtag #ballaratimagine
- keep an eye out for Ballarat Imagine branded staff at events and festivals
It’s so important to remember to tell the city what we do want not just what we don’t want. And remember to have your say about these important issues too:
- Woodman’s Hill Gateway Precinct Master Plan
- the Old Orphanage site
- developments in your local area.
And once you have done all that remember to send into BE Net (
- wildlife pics from the area
- points of interest we can include on the Ballarat East tour we are developing
- general interest issues relating to Ballarat East
and then you can head of to the Ballarat Heritage Weekend (we need to work to get recognition for Ballarat East in this festival), and then off to MADE the Museum of Australian Democracy at Eureka in Ballarat East. What a great city we live in.
And remember to pop this date in your calender Sunday May 19th – 2pm for a may Walk to support our forest, more details here.