Aug 17

Heritage Overlays & the Ballarat East Fire Station

 station-keepers-cottageThe original Station Keepers Cottage. (to be demolished under the proposed development).

There has been quite a conversation going on about the Ballarat East Fire Station. One of which was a request to correct the name we used from the Ballarat East Fire Station to Ballarat Fire Station. We agree it is is named on the building as the Ballarat Fire Station. It is also in Ballarat East.

However the Ballarat Planning Scheme Heritage Overlay refers to it as the Ballarat East Fire Station. The Planning report that forms part of the application also refers to the building as the Ballarat East Fire Station. The Victorian Heritage Register also refer to it as the Ballarat East Fire Station.

So it seems both names have a truth. The best news for everyone is that the plan is now on advertising so instead of assuming what is proposed, we now have a clearer idea of what is proposed.

Application Number: PLP/2013/443

Development Proposed: Development of a new building associated with the existing fire station and construction of new crossovers (includes the demolition of two buildings)

Submissions due: by 3rd September (however you may make a submission right up until the responsible authority makes a decision)

As we consistently say, don’t take anyone’s opinion as fact. Have a look yourself and make up your own mind. You can download some of the planning documents that have become available on the Ballarat eservices website, here is how:

1. go to (or click on link)
2. click on “Town Planning Applications”
3. select “Advertised Town Planning Applications” then click ‘Next’
4. click on application number: PLP/2013/443 (22-22 Barkly Street, Ballarat East)
5. click on image at right of text: VIEW APPLICATION DOCUMENTS

Then you will be taken to a list of downloadable PDFs, have a good look at these.

Then if you wish to make a submission about the plan click on the image at right of text: LODGE A SUBMISSION ABOUT THIS PLANNING APPLICATION. And follow the instructions.

To understand the application you also need to be aware of the following:

  • the area is affected by a heritage overlay
  • you do not have to be directly affected by the application to make a submission, you can simply be concerned for the future of this city and it’s heritage
  • submissions about the application can be accepted by the city
    • online at the eservices website (as per the process above),
    • by email to (make sure you request a receipt confirmation)
    • or in writing to: City of Ballarat, PO Box 655 Ballarat, Victoria, Australia. 3353
  • if you would like some questions answered before you decide to make a submission you can call the city planning department on 5320 5500 or attend the Planning Department at  The Phoenix, 25 Armstrong Street South, Ballarat, Vic 3350

THE HERITAGE OVERLAY: (you can read more about Heritage Overlays here.

The Ballarat East Fire Station property has a Heritage Overlay (HO11 where the Ballarat East Fire Station is specifically listed as a heritage place, that means the buildings and the land).
To quote from the Planning Scheme –
The purpose of the HO is:
  • To implement the State Planning Policy Framework and the Local Planning Policy Framework, including the Municipal Strategic Statement and local planning policies.
  • To conserve and enhance heritage places of natural or cultural significance.
  • To conserve and enhance those elements which contribute to the significance of heritage places.
  • To ensure that development does not adversely affect the significance of heritage places.
  • To conserve specifically identified heritage places by allowing a use that would otherwise be prohibited if this will demonstrably assist with the conservation of the significance of the heritage place.
To be clear at this point the developer has neither a Heritage Impact Statement, nor made an application to Heritage Victoria for the demolition of two existing timber buildings according the application.
PLEASE NOTE that one of these buildings is the original station keepers residence facing East Street. We cannot see how that fits with our heritage overlay objective to ‘conservative and enhance’.
The Ballarat CFA have some great pictures of the residence and the entire site on their website or just pop over to 20-22 Barkley street and have a good look yourself.
Read about how we found out about this development, not from the CFA as part of a consultation but from a local who was concerned and wrote to The Courier. This is the original post


View of original Station keepers Cottage and grounds (under plan all would become huge drive-way)


Original Station Keepers Cottage East St View (to be demolished under the proposal).


East Street View (to the left is the original station keepers cottage to be demolished under the proposal).


The house under the care and maintenance of the CFA (would be demolished under plan)


House at right, driveway and grounds would become large colourbond shed housing fire trucks.


The house proposed for demolition which has been under the care of the CFA.


Ballarat Fire Station in Ballarat East, aka Ballarat East Fire Station (this and tower to be retained under the proposal).



  1. David says:

    There is a new application that has been lodged by CFA to extend the timber fence along the back wall. This in my view will block the view that has existed for close to 150 years of the station and the neighbouring house. The streetscape should be protected and this fence shouldn’t be extended. Objections close this friday

  2. Bobbin says:

    Anyone heard what decision has been made about this?

  3. Mitch says:

    Anyone heard any news on the progress of the site?

  4. Mitch says:

    Just reading the media release from Mr Ryan it would be great to see the front of the building restored to its former with arches placed back into it.

  5. Paul says:

    The Heritage Notices I saw were erected on all the boundary fences of the Fire Station Property and advertised on Heritage website.

  6. Mitch says:

    The application was advertised in the Ballarat Courier and I did notice signs on the station during the advertised period.
    I was fully aware of the application from the time I saw it in the courier.
    It was in the courier around the 30th of july

    • BE Network says:

      Thanks Mitch we were aware of the application to the city not the one to Heritage Victoria. Thanks for the heads up.

  7. BE Network says:

    Thanks Sue, you are right and here is the link

    It says objections were due by August 14th, how are people expected to contribute to their community without being told what is happening?

  8. Sue Lanyon says:

    I understand application has been made to Heritage Victoria. Permit No. P18407 relating to Registered Heritage Place No H1001. I was given this info by City of Ballarat and also told that only 1 objection had been received by Heritage Victoria.

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