New Zoning is imminent
We have been aware for some time that zoning is changing across Victoria. We think its a good thing, IF we can get the correct rezoning here in Ballarat East.
So inform yourself, talk to our Councillors, and talk to your neighbours. Let people know this is happening.
Basically most of Ballarat East, right up the forest is zoned Residential 1 currently.
The existing Residential 1 Zone, Residential 2 Zone and Residential 3 Zone are to be replaced by three new residential zones:
- the Residential Growth Zone
- the General Residential Zone
- the Neighbourhood Residential Zone.
Councils will have 12 months from 1 July 2013 to introduce the new residential zones into their local planning schemes. Where councils have not finalised an amendment to implement the new residential zones by 1 July 2014, the General Residential Zone will be implemented to replace all land zoned Residential 1, 2 and 3.
And you can read more about what is happening here:
You can read about the new zones specifically here:
Inform yourselves, share your knowledge and talk to your Councillors.