Koala Sightings Ahoy
Here is an image of a Koala in the South part of Sparrow Ground taken by a resident in Canadian Springs Drive. The tree is situated next to the fire break at the rear of the homes.
We love to share images of the wonderful wildlife out here in the East, by sharing it we can help to protect it. So if you see anything wildlifey please take a pic and let us share it with your community. Images on BE Net can provide evidence of sightings for VCAT hearings, for council officers, for residents; and for developers who often complain that koalas are not evident and unimportant.
Let’s show them, literally and figuratively. How gorgeous is this cute furry little animal?
wow, we are so lucky to have these beautiful animals in OUR backyards. Please keep taking these photos so we can help preserve their habitats
Sightings like this should encourage us to continue our efforts