Oct 5

New Yellow in Wilson St

As we always say check it out for yourself. What happens in your neighbourhood needs to be shared, tell your neighbours.

LOCATION: 628 Wilson Street

APPLICATION: Subdivide into 6 lots

APPLICANT: Geometri Pty Ltd

NUMBER: PLP/2013/502

DATE TO MAKE SUBMISSION BY: 16 days from 24th September (we make that 10th October)

You can view the submission online, here’s how:

1. go to https://eservices.ballarat.vic.gov.au/ (or click on link)
2. click on “Town Planning Applications”
3. select “Advertised Town Planning Applications” then click ‘Next’
4. click on application number: PLP/2013/502
5. click on image at right of text: VIEW APPLICATION DOCUMENTS

Then you will be taken to a list of downloadable PDFs, have a good look at these.

Then if you wish to make a submission about the plan click on the image at right of text: LODGE A SUBMISSION ABOUT THIS PLANNING APPLICATION. And follow the instructions.



Great mid 60s home by the looks…IMG_9858


This developer has already bowled over all the greenery at the front of this block. IMG_9860


  1. Steven says:

    Spoke with the Council and have been told that the development as proposed has been refused outright.

    • BE Network says:

      Great response from council. When neighbours stand up and say no then we have a chance to change things for the better.

  2. Diane says:

    If lots of 200 are considered OK then what’s to stop them cutting the lot of 400m2 into two. This plan gives nothing back to the area. Barely room for a tree so I guess the people will have to rely on air conditioners over summer.

  3. Erin says:

    The issue here is that there is no usable private open space, no easily accessibility to walk to public open space. The average block size in the area is actually about 900m2, and the smallest one here is tiny at 200m2.

    We need to be encouraging careful development in the transition area to Canadian State Forest (just a block away from this development), not just allowing land to be squeezed for financial gain. The gain for the community also needs to be considered.

    If we ignore the big picture in favour of the individual then the environment, the culture and the green of this area will be lost and eroded over time. It’s not about what can be done, it is about what should be done.

  4. David Santamaria says:

    Just had a good walk around the area this morning.
    On my limited appreciation, there’s not much that I can determine as grounds for objection as there is already a number of dwellings abutting this property with similar measurements. Property sizes on the eastern side of Richards St in the new courts also have dwellings of similar size.
    The possible flaw in my view is that if they develop their property with similar sized blocks along Fussell St, (backing on to these new developments in Richard St) then these small property sizes will gradually get the upper hand for the rest of the area.

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