Nov 17

By Dec 16

Currently there are two issues facing council regarding the Old Orphanage site. The first is demolition of the entire site, the other is rezoning. The Council agreed to partial demolition, though the developer may still take the council to VCAT over this. The second issue is the rezoning of the land.

More details here:

Deborah Findlay reports on current status: (background is here)

Former residents held a small gathering on the 13th of November. People from the community attended the meeting to discuss what has happened and where to go from here. We all agreed that we should support the City of Ballarat to retain six early 1900’s buildings. We understand we cannot save the whole site from the developers. To take it to VCAT at this stage is not in our best interest. If the developers oppose the council’s recommendations we agreed to back the council through the VCAT. We need to start planning for the next upcoming meetings and more importantly the rezoning of the orphanage site procedure and submit submissions into the City of Ballarat of the next planning stage.

EVERY Submission Counts Get your Submissions in before the closing date.
You can send your submissions

It needs to be addressed to Ballarat Planning Scheme Amendment C164 2013 must have your name and contact details. We need to start planning for the next upcoming meetings and more importantly get submissions into the City of Ballarat of the rezoning procedure.

I received a phone call from one of the council officers to say thank you to former residents who attended the consultation at Eureka Hall yesterday. I can not make this any clearer if anyone wishing to be involved in the future planning of the Orphanage Site MUST submit Submissions by 16th of December if they wish to continue to be involved in the site planning. If you don’t you will not be inform by the panel in the up coming council meetings and that of the one in March next year.

EVERY Submission Counts Get your Submissions in before the closing date.

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