Dec 4

Ballarat East Town Hall & Gardens Considered Suplus

Word has it, not yet confirmed but comes from good sources, that the Board of Ballarat Secondary College has listed the Senior Campus, in Barkly Street Ballarat East as surplus to its needs. More commonly this site is known as the old Ballarat East Town Hall and Gardens. It will have to go to the Minister, however this action opens the possibilities for the site to be sold.

If you are concerned for the future of this site, its beautiful old trees, existing heritage and public access, then please let us know in a comment below.

This site has appeared in this website a number of times, have a lookey:

Ballarat East Town Hall Gardens

World Wide Still

Now is the time to act folks, share what information you find, share your concerns below, talk to your neighbours. Lets work to bring this site back to the community, public, and at the very least protected.




  1. Roger Moulton says:

    I was so disappointed this morning. I live quite close to the Ballarat East Town hall gardens. The place is completely neglected. Beautiful old trees with fallen limbs weeds untidy, rubbish everywhere. What is planned for these Gardens?

    • BE Network says:

      Yes Roger we agree they are in terrible shape. It needs someone to lead the charge, will you? Cheers BE Net (Erin)

  2. Di says:

    It would be such a shame to lose these beautiful trees and what remains of the old site. Hopefully commonsense and the community can prevail.

  3. Judyann says:

    This is the “Original’ Ballarat. We don’t need to lose this identity. Possibilities for public use need to be explored, and the area must be protected forever.

  4. Louise says:

    I would fully support any action to protect this area. The buildings could absolutely be reused and the parklands are just beautiful, but not promoted! Hardly anyone even knows they exist. Maybe I should have my Boxing Day picnic there this year?

  5. Colleen says:

    i agree, they need to stay in public hands and we need to keep an eye on our Council.

  6. Charlie says:

    These gardens are wonderful and have both heritage and environmental value, as such they should be retained for public access and the enjoyment of all.

  7. This (town hall and garden property) must be preserved for community enjoyment and inter-generational benefit. In a city that is growing as we are, it’s vital this site is looked after and treated respectfully.

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