Clean Up Oz (a little bit at a time)
Local residents are invited to help clean up the Pryor Park, Eureka Street and Surrounding area.
10.30 – 12.30 Sunday March 4th 2011
Meet at Pryor Park. Please bring sturdy footwear, gloves, a bucket, hat, sunscreen etc and lots of family members and friends. Some bags and gloves will be available.
We had a successful day on Sunday many thanks to those who turned up. We cleaned Eureka Street from Turpie St. to Cathy St., Long St. from Eureka St. to Wilson St., Blairs Lane and Cathy St. 8 full bags of rubbish and the Council were notified of a truck load of mattresses and electrical gear which has now been picked up from the corner of Cathy and York St. Thanks to the Garbos for picking up all that horrible stuff. It’s nice to feel clean for a little while. Maggie Dannatt…
Just two hours or less of your time to protect our beautiful area. Hope to see a few faces there. We will also be pulling up some of the black plastic which was put on the ground around new plantings many years ago. Don’t worry about a bit of rain and cold – could be worse – could have been last Sunday!