Mar 13

Need action at 213

Do you remember this one? Yes we have been here before – but no matter we will be again. This development slipped through when we only had three objections – well now the developer wants more, and more.



SITE: 213 Fussell Street

APPLICATION: Development of 2 Dwellings and 2 lot subdivision

OBJECTIONS DUE: 19th March 2012

Doesn’t sound too bad does it? In fact some of you may have walked or driven past and thought “mmm two, not much we can do”. But in fact there is. The major reason this block in a larger development is the size it currently is, is due to residents concerns over development.

The developer stated that the blocks on the edge of the larger development would stay the same size to protect neighbourhood character. Read: so they could get away with tiny blocks in the interior of the development (which VCAT handed to them). Now they want to further subdivide the outside blocks that protect neighbourhood character.

Please go and have a look at the permit with the larger development in mind, because you can be sure that the larger development that sits beside it is not mentioned in the application.

Stay vigilant becasue the only people who will remember are the residents…


  1. Judyann says:

    They are after more victims to wallow in the bog. It is disgusting that any houses were allowed to be built here at all. All this went through council and VCAT after a 15 year drought.
    The workers didn’t spend much time at work last winter with the spongy ground.
    The drains are still in silt, be ready for bad times ahead.
    This dense development will cause more traffic problems.
    The new occupiers will find it is 4+ kms to shops, pubs, services, and quite a way to schools, sports, parks etc. No room for a backyard, vege patch etc.
    This is not inner city !!!!
    It is bushfire prone, and there is only one way in to all those houses, no way out.

  2. Diane says:

    It is important that these external blocks are kept at the current size to provide transition between existing houses and the “internal character” (200sqm) blocks of the subdivision. A few of the large internal blocks are also yet to be subdivided.

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