Easties on Tour
We’ve been asked by the City of Ballarat to provide some places of note in the East for a tour. The intention is that Ballarat East will be mentioned in the programme for the Ballarat Heritage Weekend. And why not, the whole thing started here yes? So we collected and collated your suggestions and the result is a really good starting list of great spots to visit.
Now what we need is some help for visitors to find these places. What order do you think is a good one? How long would a good tour take? Could they do it on foot, or public transport? Where can they find a refreshing drink or bite to eat? Any help is gratefully received, by comment below or a comment on the Tours page. Thanks in advance.
And don’t forget to keep sending in your pics. They can be snaps or works of art or anything in between. Pics of the area, of the houses, of the wildlife, of the happenings, of the good stuff and bad. Here is a fabulous one from laurene dietrich, an artist who lived in Ballarat East in the 90s. This image is from a series she called ‘bits of ballaarat’, it shows the destruction of the old Sunshine Biscuit factory on Victoria Street, Ballarat East.
Tags:art, ballarateast, heritage, old, sunshine