Exceptional Tree Register
You have already heard about this great initiative, right here.
This is our chance to tie a yellow ribbon around each of our trees… The forms are really very simple. Please take some time to help protect the very thing that makes our area so beautiful. The trees.
Just to make it easy for you though, here are the details:
All residents are invited to nominate public and private trees in the City of Ballarat to the Register.Nomination forms are available at The Phoenix, Armstrong Street South,Nominations for the initial Register are open from Thursday 1 May to Monday 30 June, 2014.Click here to Download the brochure or click here for the Nomination Form.
We just wanted to remind you, and so does the City of Ballarat.
Good Day,
The City of Ballarat is undertaking an exciting project to develop a register of exceptional trees in Ballarat. Details of the Project are on Council’s website at http://www.ballarat.vic.gov.
au/sh/exceptional-tree- register.aspx We have identified your organisation as a key stakeholder for this project and would encourage your members to nominate as many trees as you think warrant consideration for the Register, regardless of their current status i.e. recognised or not, protected or not.
The Register is open to all trees, private and public, within the City of Ballarat municipality.
Ballarat has a wonderful legacy of trees, many we are aware of but I’m sure many which we are not familiar with. The 12 categories we have selected should hopefully cover all of the trees important to the Ballarat community. Some trees will be exceptional or significant in more than just one category. The assessment focus will be on what is important or related specifically to Ballarat i.e. nominated trees do not have to be exceptional on a state-wide or national basis.
We want to have as many nominations in as possible by the end of June to assess and hopefully include on the Register. This will only be the first batch to be assessed and any trees accepted on to the Register will then be considered for protection through a planning scheme amendment process. The Register will be ongoing after the end of June and further assessments will be done as additional nominations filter in to us.
There will be a Panel of 5 people to assess all the nominations, including a community representative. We will be seeking nominations from interested individuals for that position over the next few weeks. I will contact you further with more details on that.
Please spread the word as much as you can and we look forward to receiving lots of nominations from your organisation. If you can perhaps avoid doubling up on nominations for the same tree/s that would help. We are however after as much information on each tree as we can get.
Council’s Vegetation Management Officer, David Grant, is coordinating the Register and would be happy to come along to any of your meetings to explain further if this will be of assistance. He is also available to answer any specific queries you may have and can be contacted on 5320 7457 or email davidgrant@ballarat.vic.gov.au
. Kind regards
Deon Van Baalen | Manager Planning Strategy and Design
[…] You might even find a tree around the place that needs your help to record on the Exceptional Tree Register. Details here. […]
Yes please register. I was thinking about registering the Enormous old Oak tree in the block next door in Eureka street only 3 weeks ago which has recently been put up for sale. I’ve enjoyed the view of this tree for so long. I rang the council who told me the trees were covered by Heritage Overlay 179.
Silly me thought that meant they were safe. 1 week later (last week) men with chainsaws came. I was just about to do the school drop off. i stopped the man and told him there was an overlay on the block. He made a 30 second call to council and then he started the chainsaw again. so there i was like a crazy woman ringing the council telling them a tree was being cut down that they told me was covered. They of course were in a meeting. By the time I spoke to someone they told me a Heritage overlay 179 didn’t cover this tree as it was on private land not council land. (It was cut down). The owner was already sitting on a gold mine in land now he has a little more. 7 large townhouses instead of 6 large and 1 small. and my view will be houses not a tree. And we will no longer listen to the Rosellas and other birds which roosted there. please don’t assume your nearby trees will stay Go with your instinct and nominate them . I reflect and wish I had nominated this tree and not depended on that discussion with council. Too Late.
Yes its so important to ACT NOW folks! A sorry tale Angie but thank you for sharing it. Hopefully it may motivate someone who has been thinking about it to nominate trees near them, either on private or public land!!