Planning Forum with the Shadow Minister
This has come in from Geoff Howard’s office, many of you will have received a letter already.
Are You Concerned About Planning Issues in Ballarat East?
Many Ballarat East residents continue to raise concerns with me about new high density housing proposals being put forward in our neighbourhoods. I have asked Labor shadow Planning Minister, Brian Tee, to come to Ballarat East for a Community Meeting to hear and discuss your concerns.
Planning has been a vexed issue for Ballarat East residents now for some time. Mathew Guy, the Minister for Planning in the Napthine Liberal Government has introduced new “Reformed Residential Zones” and there is growing concern that it removes more rights for locals to determine the nature and character of the community in which they live.
Next week I will be holding a forum on Planning with the Shadow Planning Minister:
Community Meeting with Brian Tee MP, Shadow Minister for Planning – Tuesday 17th June, 7:00 – 9:00pm
Ballarat Secondary College – East Campus Library
(1-33 Fussell Street, Ballarat East)
I invite you to come along to speak with us and share your views.
If you are not able to attend the meeting and would like to speak with me, please call 5331 7722
I would also welcome any support you may like to offer towards my efforts to provide strong leadership to represent your community.
Yours sincerely,
Geoff Howard MP
Great initiative!! I look forward to attending this forum to hear and discuss concerns we as locals have, with current planning in our area.