Nov 1

Telstra Pole Update

Here is an update from people working to change the location of the Telstra Monopole planned for Eureka Street. It’s worth saying that a pole could become a tower. It’s worth saying its not to late to have an input into the outcome. This increased usage is due no doubt to the level of over development occurring in the East.

“Of 29 objectors we had 9 objectors come to the mediation meeting. We had 4 people from the Telstra proposal: the head guy and 3 others. There were also 2 planners from the City. We were disappointed that no Councillors showed. We have however been in contact since. The mediation went for 90 minutes. It became apparent that they want the tower in Eureka St because of trends in increasing data usage by Telstra customers in the Eureka St area, They envisage they will require a tower on this area in the future to take pressure off surrounding towers. No data to support this and they are totally unaware of NBN issues and other factors. When questioned they conceded a tower more towards the East on MADE building or in industrial area near there would be adequate. Both men from their side couldn’t really justify the necessity of the monopole. Let’s see if the planners will look into the visual effect on amenity and heritage.”

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