Nov 15

How do I…

We recently received this request on our facebook page and wanted to share it. It’s so important that we all share all the information we have, to encourage one another, to  support one another, to help one another. The developers have years of knowledge, well so do we now…

Hello Ballarat East Networkers,
I wonder if you can help out. Over in Brown Hill we have a current application to council re subdividing a house sized block into 2 units. I want to write an objection but wondered you can help with the wording. As you are all ‘old hands’ at this perhaps you could give me a bit of a list that I could cover – I’m thinking – neighbourhood character, noise but there are probably other issues that I haven’t thought about.
Thanking you in anticipation.

Colleen from Brown Hill.

Here’s how we responded:

TALK TO THE NEIGHBOURS: The best advice we can give is to talk to your neighbour. What do they think? How do they feel? Will they help you? Power in numbers. Then put together a letter for your neighbours and do a letterbox drop, letting ALL the neighbours know whats happening. Sometimes our lives get very busy and we miss those yellow notices.

WHAT ARE MAIN ISSUES: Have a think about what you think are the main issues. Is it Neighbourhood Character? If so what does that mean for you? Is it block size? If so does it meet the standards for play, recreation and proximity? Is it Open Space or the lack of it? If so then read your guidelines or talk to council planning officers, they are incredibly helpful.

WRITE A SUBMISSION: This is the only way to stay in the communication loop that happens around developments. Sometimes called an objection letter you can also write to support a development.

MAKE SUGGESTIONS: Don’t just say NO!!! NOT HERE!!! People have a right to improve or sell their land. Be open to changes in your neighbourhood that support your neighbourhood. If you believe the proposed development is not in keeping, or harmful, or not sustainable, or repetitive, then be clear about WHY, and be clear about WHAT is acceptable.

KNOW THE STANDARD: There are state regulations, building codes, planning codes, overlays, etc etc. Often the developer, and council planners, know these very well. While its pretty hard to become an expert in them, use the resources at your disposal. The City planners is a great place to start!!!

USE & SHARE BE Net (and other groups): There is a swath of info on BE Net, get in and have a look around. Here is a link to a sample objection letter (or submission), however there are many stories there to tell. We have been the most successful when a group works together to get changes made.


FINALLY: Speak with passion, and from the heart… And join in for the long haul. The more we are aware of these issues the better able we are to make positive change for Ballarat East (inc Brown Hill). Best of luck, let us know what happens…

Best of luck…

Wow … Thank you Ballarat East Network for all the advice and resources. I’ll be out there tomorrow talking to neighbours & dropping off some info to them. And …. I’ll let you know how I get on. Colleen




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Ballarat East Network (BE Net) has been developed by residents to support the community of Ballarat East shape and protect the East by supporting sustainable, good design that reflects our Neighbourhood Character.

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BE Net is about sharing information about happenings in Ballarat East, to support a vision for our past, our personality, with a goal to inform our sustainable and charming future.

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