Nov 24

Preliminary Ballarat Strategy

Our city and our suburb, needs your help:

  1. Read it
  2. Comment on it

Feedback invited on concepts for Ballarat’s long-term future

The Preliminary Ballarat Strategy has been released for public comment. This report outlines for the first time the key concepts proposed to underpin land use decision-making in Ballarat over the next 30 years. It is the next crucial step in developing the long-term land use plan known as ‘Ballarat Strategy’

The report represents the ideas, aspirations and vision of the Ballarat community, expressed through the community conversation ‘Ballarat Imagine’ and ’10 Game Changing Questions’. It proposes a long-term future for the Ballarat lifestyle in a greener, better connected and more vibrant city.

You are being contacted as you have either previously made a submission to the Ballarat Strategy process or are associated with a group that may have an interest in the long-term future planning for Ballarat.

More information

The report and further information is available at

Hard copies of the report are available from the Ballarat Town Hall; or by calling (03) 5320 5657 or emailing

How can I provide feedback?

Feedback on this preliminary report is requested by late December 2014 so submissions can be considered for the ‘draft’ strategy, to be released for community feedback early next year.

–               Provide feedback directly onto the website at

–               email:; or

–               Post:  Ballarat Strategy, City of Ballarat, PO Box 655, Ballarat, Victoria, 3353.

Should you wish to meet with Council officers to discuss the Strategy, please contact the Planning Strategy unit on 5320 5119 or by email to arrange a time.

Thank you for taking the time to be involved in the planning process for Ballarat’s future.


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