New Works at 5 Highvista Grove
This is an open letter from Michael Simpson, resident of Ballarat East:
To all,
Just when we thought we had won the battle over the proposed building of a residence to house 17 students in Highvista Grove and the dust was all but settled, oh how wrong we were.
With the assistance of so many in the local community, we went to council and put our case forward. After some debate the councillors voted unanimously in our favour. We had every right to be happy. Our elected representatives had the foresight to see that this development was not right for this location.
However, since than it has come to light that the developer has gone back to council and is proposing to build three (3) two (2) storey residential dwellings on the site, to house students. As each of these proposed residential dwelling has less than 9 habitable rooms, the developer does not need a planning permit.
These residential dwellings could potentially house seven (7) students each. All this, and the developer has no restrictions. The developer only has to provide two (2) car parking spaces per dwelling.
The sad part of this is, we, the local residents have no recourse to file an objection. As the developer does not need local planning approval, other than approval to build a residential dwelling, we are limited in what we can do.
It is my belief that this is a commercial operation. The developer will have tenancy agreements with each person staying at these facilities. Potentially twenty one (21) or more tenancy agreements in one development does not equate to a residential situation. Remember this area is zoned Residential 1 by the council. It is therefore incumbent on the council to see this proposal for what it is – a commercial operation in a residential area and say NO.
I would therefore encourage each and every one to firstly. Call the City of Ballarat Planning Department, 5320 5500 and ask to speak to Hamish Lampp. Don’t be put off by reception, they have been given a one page prepared overview to read to everyone who rings on this matter. You have a right to hold and speak to Hamish as a council employee to get some direct answers. You pay rates; you have the right to be heard. I know how the system works because I was prepared to sit on the phone and wait to have my say.
Secondly, again I would urge everyone to voice their dissatisfaction to the Councillors. Email them with your thoughts about this. I have written to them and expressed my concerns as to how a developer can so blatantly show disregard for council policy and procedures and how they, Councillors should stand up on this matter and say NO.
We will have many more situations of this nature in the future as the council pushes the “Infill Policy”. We can have a say on this if we stand together.
Michael Simpson
Thanks Michael for providing some guide as to how we can follow this issue through and work to achieve the best outcome for all residents who have chosen this area. Thanks as well to those who remain council savvy and keep all 100+ informed.