Under Seige in Brown Hill
Is it just us or are we really being inundated with bad inappropriate and over development? This just in from resident Louise Busija Jones via facebook:
Received a letter from the council today notifying of a planning permit for Number 6 Reid St Brown Hill. Subdividing the block into 7 lots (existing dwelling & 6 units).
Application Ref #: PLP/2011/900, Applicant Name: Tony Dejong Drafting PTY LTD, Site Address: 6 Reid St Brown Hill VIC 3350, Application to: Construction of six additional dwellings and subdivision of the lot into seven lots, Objections Due: Maximum 16 days from 22 March 2012 (so 7th April 2012)
For those who don’t know it, Reid St is a very quiet street which backs on to the yarrowee creek near Progress Park, mainly older people and a couple of families. The lot is bang in the middle of the block which is bordered by Reid, Ainley, Thompson & Humffray St Nth. All other properties on the block are substantial in size, and the new units will back onto many of the yards around the block which up until now have been quiet, private and have a lovely semi rural feeling.
Please get your objections in.
Louise we would also suggest that you letter drop the area, help older residents understand what is happening, and also help them your neighbours to complete an objection. Its never too early to start ringing your Councillors either you will find their contact details here… best of luck.
Hi All,
A mediation meeting to discuss this application is scheduled for 17th May 2012 at 5:30pm. Committee Room 1, Ballarat Town Hall.
I will be attending, but if you would like to attend and provide support please confirm your attendance by email to davidwilson@ballarat.vic.gov.au.
I live opposite this proposed development and I have submitted my objections – I also object to the applicant being able to make statements about “improvements” the development will bring without providing any demonstrable evidence to support those claims – seems like one set of rules for the applicant and another for the objector.
Well letter drop has been done, had a visit from a neighbour who reports that other neighbours also have concerns and will be submitting their objections. Mine is in the post today, so hopefully the council and some mediation meetings will ensure that this development is done considerately for our neighbourhood character and the local wildlife & birds who frequent the many trees & shrubs on these big blocks.
Hi Louise, let me know if you need any help – Colleen