Apr 16

Pryor Park News #2

Pryor Park News April 2012 #2

Working bees – Dates for your diary:
Saturday 21st April 10am-12pm meet on corner of Turpie St and Eureka St Ballarat
Bring gloves, good footwear etc. Starting to clear fallen and dead wattles and trees. Also marking those that need clearing by someone else. Hoping we will get help as we requested with our submission to the council.

Sunday 27th May 10am-12pm meet at notice board.
Bring gloves,secateurs or cutters (if you have them) and we have saws and long handled lopers for cutting and painting gorse along Eureka St, Access track and wildflower area. Trying to complete the work we have already started.


Lots has been happening. The CFA burnt on the 4/4/12 the triangle bounded by the gas pipeline, Turpie St.and the golf course. This area has been burnt before but this time it was more complete it has revealed all the undulations, so now the golf course should be able to maintain this area as they have management over it.

Dieback Xanthorrhoea Grass trees

I took a walk with Elspeth Swan from the DSE to asses the extent of the die back on Pryor Park and in the Canadian forest We found one on Pryor park and many in the forest and on private land. It seems likely it is phytophorea a fungal disease, that is spread by the movement of soil between area’s which could be by foot, hoof, pad or tyre .To control the spread of the disease would obviously be difficult but there is possibly an anti fungal that might help on smaller areas. I am interested in hearing from anyone with the plant on there own property who would like to look into this.
We have 55 healthy xanthorrhoea on Pryor Park and I am keen to save them if we can.

Your are all aware of the housing development in our area I was going to say growth but at the moment it feels more like death as our remaining remnant trees have been chopped down despite protection orders and the creek, Warrenheip gully has been put in a pipe. Colourbond fences are also threatening the wildlife that try to get under or over them. Our park becomes all the more precious as a refuge for wildlife and people crowded in by dense housing.


Maggie Dannat

People for Pryor Park

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