Dec 20

23 Rodier Street

The sleepy hollow of Rodier Street got a rude awakening on the placement of this advertisement on a paddock beside the creek.



SITE: 23 Rodier Street

APPLICATION: 20 Dwellings then subdivision

The developers propose 20 dwellings, all mini brick boxes indistinguishable from the next, a mix of mainly two bedrooms with one car-park each and no significant landscaping.

Objection letters could do well to highlight that it is not in keeping with the neighborhood character in Ballarat East, which is informal, diverse, small houses with lots of private open space. Please go and have a look at the plans, by asking for the file at the Phoenix Building (PLP/2011/557) and decide for yourself if Ballarat East deserves this kind of development, and what type you might prefer.

If you would like to make contact with the residents group who are supporting positive change to this development please email us here at


  1. BE Network says:

    Hey guys, yes this is now going to VCAT, you can read more about it in the posts, click at right as its tagged 23 Rodier Street, hit that and you’ll get the post… lets get this show on the road – or street?

  2. Diane says:

    Story in today’s paper that one child is run over in a driveway every four days. These compact developments provide no separate recreation area for children and these days who would let their children walk to a playground?

  3. Diane says:

    Council refused this application and now the applicant is taking it to VCAT which unfortunately will cost the BCC and ratepayers. Council had its reasons for refusing the permit as they have to look at the big picture for the city. Local residents want to protect the area where they have made their biggest investment and have chosen to raise their families. The applicant is only driven by financial gain and probably doesn’t even live in Ballarat East.

  4. Alice Christie says:

    Heading for VCAT it seems!! Have to keep up the fight!

  5. BE Network says:

    FABULOUS news guys, the permit for this development has been refused…

    whoo hoo…

    Hopefully, at some point, developers will get wise and start talking to the communities they are attempting to change forever… we are not against development – just the opposite – we support sustainable, good design which reflects and respects Neighbourhood Character..

    The developer, if they appeal, need to respond to every objector, so let us know if you hear anything…

  6. BE Network says:

    This from Linda on facebook – “Bloody ridiculous – there should be legislation that says every dwelling must have 30% of the land as garden around it, and that each house is a min. 4m from houses on 3 out of 4 sides. We are becoming a society of insular individuals within our computer cocoons inside our townhouses with 2m sq of paved courtyard.(says she on fb, but I do have a vegie garden…) High density housing increases at the same time as social alienation. Love this page Erin Mccuskey, we so need it.x”

  7. Anne Pearse says:

    Yes Judy I agree, it’s so bad, people never really learn from history either. I fear for the East to become even worse. You described them right, ‘Ticky-Tacky’ little boxes. That’s even worse. How bad will it be if one has a fall out with a neighbor, they will still be living in each others shadow. I’m looking for acres, out of town.

  8. Judy Johnson says:

    My heart bleeds for the victims (homebuyers) of this development.
    It is a lovely spot, but probably never built on due to flooding of the lower portion.
    These “Ticky-Tacky Little boxes” are well below the home quality level of the public housing in Wendoure West built 50 years ago.

    The things developers can get away with during a drought is amazing.

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