Aug 11

The power of people…

Here is a good news story from the folks in Brown Hill:

Good morning BE Net,

Please post this so people can see you can change some things…

I would like to share with you our success story from the Gracefield Drive Brown Hill development. After we objected to the original subdivision plan we had a mediation meeting. That went OK with the developer giving some small ground. At the mediation we gave all the good reasons why we objected and the developer came back with a new plan.

First plan was 24 blocks from 400sqm to 600sqm. Second plan was 21 blocks from 400sqm to 1000sqm. Also included was a 850 sqm “open space”. The blocks facing Gracefield drive have been reduced from 6 to 3 to match the block sizes of the area. Still not addressing some very important issues for surrounding properties.

We then invited Councillor Noel Perry to attend a meeting of the residents on site in Gracefield Drive. Councillor Perry did come out to the meeting where we were able to demonstrate to him our concerns. He acknowledged our concerns and then arranged for some council engineers to come and inspect the site. They did and made some sensible observations.

The final planning permit  from council to the developer has 30 important conditions. Some being curb & gutter with stormwater facilities to avoid flooding in Jarvie Crt which runs off Gracefield Drive. This was not addressed in the developers original plan. A cul-de-sac at the end of Jarvie court so service trucks can turn . This was not in original plan. Footpaths from Jarvie Crt & the new subdivision on Sawmill Close to the open space. No footpaths in original plan. A playground in the open space not in original plan. Planting of substantial trees and a complete street scape not in original plan. We will lose some mature trees from the plan these being Cyprus, English & 5 native gums. Council has also undertaken to address a chicane and the continuation of Sawmill close to Daylesford road to ease traffic concerns.

While we did not get 100% of our objections we believe we will now have a subdivision that fits with the character of the area. We understand that it is inevitable these developments will occur but hopefully we can make the area a great place to live.

Yours in progress

David Looker


  1. Congratulations guys! Seems we are all having some small wins in the Brown Hill area. Check out the comments on the Brown Hill Mediation Report post from a few months back. We had a small victory here too!

    I am incredibily wary of what’s happening at the end of Ainley St though. An old miners cottage has been completely demolished one weekend at a time by hand, yet NO yellow signs have been errected ever! It looks like a major case of “oops too late” by the time they actually submit their permit and make plans to notify the neighbours.

    So let us all be vigilant!

    But once again….well done! We may need to start lobbying for the infrastructure to support all these developments in Brown Hill soon though. Transport, roads, footpaths, schools, shops etc.

    • BE Network says:

      Louise, we suggest you get onto council ASAP about the demolition. It is often the things that happen right beneath our noses that are not noticed… Don’t let that be the case here. Ask the owners some questions and then get onto council as soon as you can.

  2. Diane says:

    David, this is a great result. People do need to go through the process and achieve an outcome which benefits everyone; the developer, the existing residents and the new residents.

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