Aug 31

Mediation for 809 Wilson St

Got a letter today from the City about Mediation for 809 Wilson St, Ballarat East.

It’s not too late to put in an objection if you haven’t already. While the mediation process is not a legal requirement, the council offers it to developers and those who have made a written submission. Its a great process by our planning department and very well run, in an attempt to find common ground (excuse the pun) for everyone involved.

It also means to attend the mediation they like you to have made your feeling known now, here’s how:

So now mediation details:

Date & Time: 13th September 2012 at 5pm

Venue: Trench Room, Town Hall

RSVP by Sept 9th: quoting ref # PLP/2011/683

  • by Phone – 5320 5564
  • by Email –

There is one last thing you can do too, make sure the Councillors are aware that the mediation is an important step to their understanding of the issues, personally invite them along… And make sure if you care about this place, the green belt and the environment, that you come along too…


  1. Judyann says:

    This is a very special part of Ballarat, the start of a river, and home to many mammals, birds AND reptiles. When trees are cut down, where will these creatures live, until some saplings planted somewhere else grow into trees? Please make every effort to come to the Mediation, all hands on deck.

  2. Sofia says:

    We will be there, the idea of Ballarat’s green belt, the environment and our wildlife being effected by developers is tragic.

    By the way, there appears to be a ANOTHER application yellow sign to subdivide 1 block into 2 on Fussell Street, they seem to be persistent with this one.

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